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Posts posted by DaveK

  1. See....now this is what I LOVE about this forum!!! :D

    People helping each other achieve what they always wanted!!!

    O.K. I'm getting a little mushy here, but I do think this is GREAT that we all help one another out with this "trade secret" type stuff!

    I will look forward to any pictures & information you can provide!

    Now I would be interested in seeing how you did a faux birds eye maple finish!

    How did that come out?

    Thanks again

    Dave K

  2. It CAN'T be that easy!!!! :DB)

    Mr. Roman went into a lenghty discussion with me about the EXTREME difficulty of this process & that there were VERY few that could pull such a finish off!

    Would you simply apply Clear coat to the Marbelizing once you are done?

    Do you have any pictures of your marble project?

    Lastly, can you verrify the name of the book that you mentioned as well as the author?

    Thanks a MILLION!


  3. O.K. I am going to "raise the bar"

    I continue to be impressed & amazed at the quality & artistry of the members of this forum

    You guys have done stuff that I always thought was UN ACHIEVEABLE for the common person to do

    I am impressed on a regular basis with what creativity has been done !

    With that being said, I wanted to submit to the forum a finish that I always thought was to hard to achieve by the likes of mere mortals! :D

    I have always wanted to try to achieve this finish on one of my guitars. ESP did one for George Lynch & I fell in love with it!

    Marble finish guitars

    The only information that I have EVER been able to find on how to do this finish was on the Ed Roman (GACK!) website

    He simply states:

    "This finish is achieved with tissue paper, cotton balls, a razor blade and gold leaf. Very time consuming and painstaking work"

    This is my Holy Grail finish!

    Has anyone been able to do something such as this?

    If so, how is it done?

    I would love to see some photos as well

    Thanks for indulging my obsesion!

    Dave K

  4. I never would have thought the formica guitar would sound good either!

    And I am one of the biggest "Tone Snobs" there is!

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to expect Eric Johnson to give up his 56 Strat for the Reverand...but you gotta hear it to believe it

    It definately has it's own thing!

    I would almost say its a cross between a danelectro (the original ones from the 60's) as it has the "spank" of a telecaster

    Plus they are VERY playable!

    Dave K

  5. Does anyone know of a good and HONEST powdercoating shop?

    I asked for a quote for my Iceman parts from a guy & he came back with $300!!!! :D

    I think this is WAY inflated. The only parts I was looking for were the tuners, screws, a stop tailpiece & a tuneamatic bridge

    Is there anyone out there that can recommend somone reasonalble

    I would also be interested in seeing any pictures of parts that have been powdercoated


    Dave K

  6. Gang:

    I wanted to know if anyone had any insight into re-lining a guitar case. We are all working on these killer project guitars & have not discussed improving on where they sleep at night!

    I want to re-do the lining of my SKB case with one of those cool Bright blue or Green crushed velvet linings (like Taylor acoustic cases or some Gibsons have)

    Any thoughts on technique, what supplies are needed, where to get them, have you done it before, etc..

    I look forward to anyones insight & feedback

    Dave K :D

  7. OOOOOOH! Sounds nice! I assume you will be showing us your progress on this project as you go along?

    A re-top huh?? How tough is it to do? Is it something you could share in a tutorial?

    Inquisitively yours,

    Dave K :D

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