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George Brown

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Posts posted by George Brown

  1. thanks greg, i totaly agree with the comment you made about the cutaway. As for KTS here are some usefull links;

    you can purchase them from WD Music (sorry its the uk site but i couldnt find them on US site)

    their homepage is here

    some good DeTemple links are here and here also you might want to see this

    thier truss rods and re-inforcements are not currently offered comercialy so you will need to contact them for that stuff

    hope that helps


    the tone pros kluson tunners apparently have titanium parts acording to wd music here's the reply i recived via e-mail

    "Good Evening,

    These are actually a sealed tuner with a 16:1 ratio and titanium inner parts. Turn very smooth and accurately with no lashback. Very high quality.


    David Lewis

    WD Music Products, Inc.



    As for compensated tunning as far as i understand it it goes something like this

    frets are positioned on a formula made by good old pythagoras, however he made one slight error :O he did not take into acount string tension, thus the first few frets are sharp adn this is compensated by moving the nut slightly closer to the bridge. this is shown well here on the earvana webpage (another compensated tunning system) But yeh it could be done individualy, i mean its a bit of a rip off when you think about it £120 for a mesurment. I dont mean do sound lazy but im sure some will work it out and put it up on the web

  2. well as its a les paul style guitar there isnt going to be a string ground is there?

    i doubt its the pot, when the pot is dirty/ scratched it will crakle when turned and dont work in certian positions (where it is sratched), it realy does sound like a grounding problem. my advice would to be to rip everything out and follow these steps remeber to avoid sohrt cicuits with the sheild and any solder joints. good luck

  3. First off YAY, my first guitar project has begun !!!

    I am planning to build a prs singlecut style guitar. I say singlecut rather than les paul as I prefer the treble cutaway, straight string pull and one piece bridge. im finding quite hard to even think about getting another guitar that I wont build, there are aftermarket upgrades everywhere so why not "get it right" the first time? The specs will be as follows;


    Wendge neck with deep set tenon 25 inch scale length

    Kingwood fretboard (ebonized)

    K-T-S titanium truss rod and re-inforcement rods

    Stainless steel frets

    Inlay undecided

    Kornia (limba) body

    Quilted/flammed maple top (havent quite made my mind up)


    TonePros AVT-II bridge with locking studs

    K-T-S titanium saddles

    TonePros kluson tuners

    Tusq nut (buzz feiten tunning system)


    Lace music DP-100 neck pickup

    Lace music DP-150 bridge pickup

    CTS pots

    Tone controls will fade between the pickups in series and paralell

    Conductive paint shielded cavities

    Planet waves output jack (Includes a shielding sleeve and multiple contact points)


    Dark purple top (polyurethane)

    Black back and sides (polyurethane)

    No finish on the neck (may have on the headstock)

    I think thats eveything. A few things to clear up i know i cannot fit the buzz feiten tunning system that will be done by an authorized dealer. You may not have of heard of K-T-S, but there titanium parts have had good things said about them no there not as good as they want you to belive there still a good improvement, DeTemple guitars are using them after all. The one concern I have is making the neck too strong there was a mention of this on Stewart Macs free information on neck construction. I pressume what is ment be this is thats the truss rods affectiveness is reduced (ie its harder for the truss rod to bow the neck), but my action isnt too low so this may not be a problem if there is a problem with the neck being too stiff.

    I dont know when the build will start right now im making plans and want to check everything before anything is set in stone or wood :D

    Comments on this are welcome, thats actualy the reason for this post

  4. hey i remember reading somewhere in a magazine that if you put treble bleed caps on both volumes in a les paul style guitar you could inrease the trelble too much when altering the volume controls. i cannot remember if it was only in the middle position, another thing i am not aware of is if the controllers were wired interactivly. is this true? and would it afect a les paul style guitar with the volumes wired independantly?

  5. i've had BAD experiences with locking trems and now avoid them. but there are those divebombs and whammy bar antics that can only be done with a lockign system. go with the original floyd rose its the best. period. made entirly from hardered steel wheras the schaller only has hardened steel in the knife edges "for a warmer tone" yeah ok mabey but is it coinsidence that its also a lot cheaper?, why do you think locking trems a licenced by floyd rose? would he let anybody else make a better trem?

    sorry for all the retolical questions in this little rant. ibanez trems may be another option but i hear there very hard to get hold of (in the uk at least)

  6. so deepset neck tenons, apparently they increase sustain an tone and reduce deadspots.

    what do you think? is it worth it from the view of construction and the sound it will produce once finished?

    (i voted yes)

  7. hey, im new here and was wondering whats your opinion?

    ed roman has this to say ed roman deep set neck but theb again he is known to talk... well i wont say but you know. in theroy it seems great, there was somebody who sugested this with a bolt on/in neck on this forum.

    obviously the neck would have to be angled from the point at which it joins the body so the internal tenon can reach the bridge, when trying to draw this however i ran into a problem. it was fine drawing the bottom of the digram but then i got very confused when tring to add the finger board from the angled neck to the body top.

    if anyone could help it would be much apreciated.

  8. hey, well im new here but iv been reading this forum for some time as well as the site tones of great info and advice. i finaly decided to join today seeing as i cant get the idea of building a gutar out of my head so i might as well go with it after all its hardly a bad idea. hope to start a project of my own in the not so distant future. well thats about it so yeh "hi".

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