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Posts posted by StratDudeDan

  1. k, i'm building an inline kill switch out of a light switch, but i'm assuming there's going to be massive problems with a hum when i turn it off. how can this be corrected or completely bypassed.

    secondly, is there an impedance issue at all? or should i just pretend i never asked that?

    finally, should i put the break in the hot line, or in the ground, or should i not use a simple SPST switch and figure out something cool with a little more complex of a design?

  2. a friend of mine just picked up an orange head. he's playing it through a marshall 4x12 half stack. i don't know any model numbers or anything, but here's the dilemma:

    his guitars are very toneful and sustainful axes. he's playing through an LP studio and a gibson 335. when he's plugged into this head, however, his tone and sustain craps out on him, almost like the amp is choking it instead of sweetening it and adding that common orange grit to it.

    he's come to me before with questions about guitars and how to do this and that, so he's come to me again with that dilemma on his amp, a subject i don't know much about. so what can we do to this head to make it sound better?

    switch out the tubes? clean the connections/jacks/solder joints and make sure everythings good? junk it and find a new one?

  3. not an attempt to hijack, rather share a similar story.

    i've been playing in the local jazz/blues scene on bass for quite a few years now. i've helped out at high schools, the community college, small indie combos, etc. i've never had the chance to catch some of the greater players in the area, however, so i'm always looking out for when and where they're playing.

    then, out of nowhere, stuff starts happening to me. i work a clinic with Mark Colby (god of tenor sax) and Vince Maggio (the guy that wrote the book on the modern rythm section, literally. he opened the rythm section area at the miami school of music by himself). i play bass in a combo for one of Kirby Shaw's choirs. i sing in one of his, too, as well as Kirk Marcy and John Yenenborough. i sit down for a jam session with Frank Mantooth on piano. i record a live album on bass while Lou Fischer solos on his yamaha silent bass over the top of one of my combos. my combo performs for Doug Beach at elmhurst college. all these crazy things happened within the timespan of 2 months, and i went from being some punk kid that can read music on bass to a respected musician that's played with some of the biggest jazzer names around here, as well as around other places as well. was pretty cool.

  4. i doddled (and still doodle) in just about every single class. never anything useful. most of the time some odd cartoon character, occasionally an idea for a refinishing job or something, never anything groundbreaking or life changing. most of the time, i scribbled and jotted stuff a lot. never was too quite sure what i was writing, but i've saved all my spirals so i can see what it was. i have several favorite jr. high and hs spirals that i like to read.

    one of 'em lasted me from the end of my 8th grade year all the way through my jr year (11th, for those of you not familiar w/ american schools). there were stories, notes, doodles, cartoons, class notes, poems, you name it in that spiral, and i still love to go back and read it every now and then. some very odd stuff in there. once i find it, i'll post this one thing up that i found online when registering for ebay (don't ask...i have no idea how i found it during that process...). it'll just make you think, and not about something good.

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