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Posts posted by spazzyone

  1. side to side would be no more natural than up and down. Also, my experience is that you get a sustain tone that is plenty loud enough long before the string vibration has as much of an impact on action as other factors such as driver construction and mounting, magnetic pull etc...

    However, I would be interested in hearing if there was any tonal difference between up'n'down and side-to-side.

    i have run an obscene amount of power into my rail and had no fret buzz

    and its in an ibanez with very low action

    so i totaly agree that the right driver does not have this up/down affect with enough power to sustain the strings very well.

    ( remember i first tried 100 volts then 25 watts@ 8 ohm's fully cranked )

    and not a buzz to be had. surely this has to be do to the fact its a humbucker driver

    and im also pretty sure its also the "rail" design as well

  2. I've been also thinking about offboard sustainer, but I doubt that one could make it with single cable. Sustainer level is much greater than guitar level, there will be nose, squeal and whatnot. One solution could be using two cables, but then it's ugly. It would be cool enough to have external power supply. I wish I didn't cut my stereo cable into smaller patch cables :D

    Even having batter outside is a success. Using short stereo jumper cable and small battery box attached to guitar strap (like wireless system). Jumper would go from guitar jack to strap box (it goes above strap anyway so it won't be visible). It's the same thing just you don't need long stereo cable. On the other hand you need lots of batteries, so in the long run it's better to go with floor based unit


    i do not have this problem and i'm using shitty speaker cable for my driver and outboard amplification

    here is a pic of the mess that is my signal path


    and in my sound post the recording was done sitting in front of the computer moiter while it was turned on

    Pete knows my setup and is the only one who understands why i favor the outboard route

    but sadly i have no time to persue my deisign at the moment as im building guitars 10 hours a day

    so its safe to say when i come home the last thing i want to do is fiddle with more guitars

  3. try sanding some of it to get the dust

    fill the crack with C.A utill its filled close to the surface then pack the dust in the crack

    then C.A it again and let it "Wick" in repeat as needed til filled the sand smooth

    this may not be the best solution but it should work well

    if you live in a dry winter climate wait till late winter and you will get better results

    as the crack should be fully open when you fill it

  4. i used to use ipe for the deckboards on dock's ( for rich people lol)when i lived in south Florida

    very heavy and very dense but not as bad as say cocobolo

    and its open grained so it would need to be filled for a finish

    never tried on a guitar but it does have a good tap tone

  5. Chris is very Correct and fryovanni's Correct and Drak you are Correct

    i want to see if i can build somthing that everyone would want but can't/won't build

    for various reasons. you will be helping me realize my potetional. By pulling it off

    as far as wasting a top that wont happen. i will not take a bad design and make it gold

    but will take a good suggestion and implement it if it is worth it. im looking for a collective

    to make somthing unique like the sustainer project. only the guitar itself

    Godin sd i love your last build but its not for me

    Drak i have been spending two hours a day trying to get the magma colors (not the overall finish)

    as i think that would make this figure jump out hard

    F holes only on a tele delux style but the Eagle holds potentional

    but my mind keeps thinking the fernandes revele. how can we make it better?

    i must restate i cannot draw and cad programs dont work with my mind

    cut/copy/paste is the same as a rebuild of a "normal" guitar

    so why not build a mary jane? No Fun

    i want to stretch it a bit

    remeber this......... binding alone can change an appearance

    but so can you mind? B):D:D

  6. first of all let me state this is not my first ring around the rosie

    i am more than capable of a high quality build in this time frame ( the finish is my time limiter)

    but i cant draw at all. every drawing i have tried looks like poop

    this is why i ask for the suggestions and posted the "other" catagory

  7. I thought this idea might be neat.....you decide what this Maple top should be

    a Tele? a Strat? a PRS? a Paul?

    maybe the top for neck thru built form someones grandmoms wooden leg?


    what gets picked i will then submit as a Guitar of the month project within the next 3 months

    if you have your own idea post a pick/drawing as other

    and at three monthes think "finish" cure time . the backwood is also a factor as you Pick One

    the neck is already spoken for as far as wood go's (unless i see better than what i have)

    if the winning catagory is "other" maybe ill pick the winning shape from that catagorey :D

  8. i would just like to say this thread has been amazing

    just the fact that nobody seems to be holding back on their discoveries

    and the sharing that has taken place is something to take pride in

    from sharing ideas to materials just blows me away. this is truly a "collective" experiment

    i just want to say thanks to all those nonselfish members that contribute to this thread

    as this would not take place in many other forums. im sure fernandes and sustainiac are biteing their

    nails about now. Pete what did you do :D


  9. well it is dried dead flat and as good as it looks

    as far as resawing i have a good job now "hint hint"

    and all the required equipment to handle any build (a full shop)

    including a 24" thickness sander,a jointer,planer, 18"bandsaw,CNC machine

    yeah im ok now and in very good hands

    once thanks too all.

    Rich,erikbojerik,Drak and Chris

    now if i could only get drak to do my finnish i would be in heaven "magma attack"

    P.S what shall i make with it a Strat,Tele,LP,PRS

    suggestions anyone? i cant draw so original is out the window

  10. i have bought a few of these. god only knows where tey are made but they are made well

    they are even copper sheilded and if you search his items youll find white,black and zebra

    with black or chrome rails they are actualy very good sounding pickups with good power 14K

    and hell swing a deal with you on three. these are what ive been using as my sustainer

    and they work great for that too. here is the link


  11. This post shows why i value Setch's opinions the most on this site

    and also shows why he is a mod on this board

    The 2 lines here were unneccesary to prove your point, so I deleted them! Everyone is entittled to thier opinion! And not all see everything the same way! I think that Setch can defend his point by himself and don't need your help!!!

    i know what i have seen shows his excelent skills and knoledge

    and he has helped me with a few questions that i was lost on and helped show me the way

    for that and his info on this post i thank you Setch. you are truly a great asset to this site

    and i also now know who to avoid for info in the future

    P.S DiezelMonster looks like your on the right track to a very nice finnished project

    and for $400 plus the cost of the new neck buit to your specs seems like a steal

    Dime must be looking down on ya

  12. first to answer fryovanni

    my neck is quater sawn maple with a ebony board not like my buddies cocobolo/kingwood combo

    and by "tap Test" the only way i can describe it is when i knock on my neck it kinda has a thud

    my buddies on the other hand almost dings like a bell and it just resonates like mad

    so no its not a fair comparison being differant woods but its that resonation that makes me drool

    and how does that make me feel? jelous as hell as i cant afford what he has

    and as far as the bottle opening

    its the differance between a can of beer and a fifty yer old bottle of scotch B)

    Perry was that ha.ha.ha at me or my great marketing comment? ha.ha :D

    and Drak what i mean by blow them away is the attention to detail

    from the two example's i have seen there is a big differance in the qualitity and detail

    im not unhappy with my neck by anymeans. i just know were i would by my next one from

    but i wont be buying anything but bridges/tuners and electronics in the future as ill build my own

    and +1 to Doug after all what you want and you get it that way is the bottom line

    and im just stating my own opinion not trying to sway your own. after all your own happiness is what matters most :D

  13. they blow away Warmoth

    better than 70% of any other mass neck builder out there I would guestimate.

    you said it exactly massed produced which is warmoth with great marketing

    chances are what your order from them is sitting on a shelf just waiting on your call

    hardley custom built

    jamerson on the other hand wont build till you order and its built to your order

    not on a shelf just waiting for a home

    ive had warmoth in the past but it does not compare to my buddies cocobolo neck with a kingwood board

    that with just a tap test and makes me drool and the quality smoked warmoth hands down

  14. as Pete pointed out and it's still my goal is to have this the electronics outboard

    its much more modular this way

    think about it

    one driver circut and a driver in each guitar. then you can just change on the fly

    no control room issues. if you read one of my previous posts you'll see my layout

    im not saying its the best solution but it is a good one

    and its definetly cheaper as you only make one circut assembly

    and once thats perfected all attention can be focused on the driver

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