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Posts posted by 6_String_Fiend

  1. Hello again! I have successfully sanded my guitar and now am looking for any suggestions on what i should use for my painting station. Should I hang my guitar from the cieling, buy/build a box that i could lean it up against, or any other suggestion?

    Also, which type of paint would be the best to use from your own personal experiences?

    Thanx again!

  2. Thanx guys! I'm gonna go check out my local Lowes tomorrow.

    Another question: When i paint my guitar do i need a booth type structure to keep the spray from going everywhere, and if so, how do i go about attaching my guitar to it?

    **Do i lean it up against something and spray one side, wait till it drys and then flip it to the other side?

    **Or can i suspend it some how?

    I've never done this before so I have pretty much no idea what I am doing :D

    Thanx again!

  3. Hi everyone! I have been trying to repaint my guitar and I have it all sanded thanx to this site but i still have a delima. I dont have a paint gun and need to know what kind i should get. This is just a hobby and i dont have very much money to spend so i need something that is cheap but effective.

    Thanx and any help/advice would be appreciated!

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