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Posts posted by spacecowboy

  1. Hi, i was trying to find to some audio sample, but does anyone know how acoustic strings would sound on an electric guitar? Wouldn't it give it a more rich sound?

    For some reason that just makes sense 2 me. More vibrations to pick up from the pickups. But compromising the easability of bending especially for electric, but i might just do it on one of my guitars.


  2. Hi my friend blew my speaker.

    He was playing a bass in it and it just hums no matter what i change. The guy at the guitar shop said its forsure the speaker ill have to replace it. He said its cheaper to do it myself and im good at soldering.

    My amp is a Roland Cube60

    I looked in the back of the speaker it says


    W300RP 135-00F

    8(ohms) CHINA

    IST 2461

    Its a 60watt amp. So if i get any speaker with those specifications it should sound the same? or should i get something better since im replacing the speaker.


  3. Thanks Erikbojerik! But lets say i remove the binding, the rest of the guitar is gonna be seal, except for the C-holes i cut and then when i put the binding back on...

    Do i remove all the sealer? Also cause i wanted to put a stain on the guitar, and maybe a suttle fade... But i doubt sealer would work with a stain cause the stain has to be on the wood itself right?

  4. Thanks. Also It was seal so you dont have to sand between painting cotes... If its seal how do i...well remove it? Or Should i just cut and not put binding where i cut the violin cuts... Maybe that would look stupid, not binded all around?

    And this Pre-assembled 2 layer binding its common to find?

  5. thanks man that was a very good explanation and cleanly presented :D thanks. What about resistors. Ya I think i've seen that website. i used a .001uf cap on my guitar but i didnt notice 2 much of a change. It could of been cause at the same time i changed pickups.

  6. K well im a noob. I've been starting to tinker with my guitar, and i've started building pedals and curcuit bending. But you don't need to know much to do those things.

    Don't flame if I'm to stupid just ignore this topic or point me in the right direction.

    1- If you put a cap in a guitar what EXACLLY does it do to the sound, like I know it changes the sound, duh, but how?

    2- Same for a resistor

  7. Hey guys. I have a samick semi-hollow body with 59's and my friend was telling me how fender jaguars are pretty sweet for getting a different sound. And I also was thinking about a piezo. I would like to know what you guys think about a piezo possibly a fishman, or maybe a piezo bridge? And if i should rewire my guitar like a jaguar. It wouldnt be bad cause i would just add the buttons and knobs on the pickup and run the wires from the f-hole so u wouldnt even see anything. I would also add the battery under there.

    Heres a diagram of the fender jaguar. Fender Jaguar Diagram

  8. Thanks guys! My friend knows a luthier hes known for building good guitars he sells them for around 3k. Hopefully he might be interesting in some new concept designs.

    Ya I know everyone designs guitars. Looking at your thumbnails, they dont look like mine I start a thumbnail and if it looks to much like another guitar I'll toss it. I have a way of designing that I've learnt threw schooling and practice (i'm not being rude to your designs their just different).

    And I know everyone dreams up guitars. But maybe I'm just hoping mine will make it. Time will tell I guess.

  9. Thanks thegarehanman. SolidWorks, ya autocad is very glitchy, gives bad geometry, i might just do it in 3dmax, that way i can control the edgeflow. I'll see thanks.

    You cant pitch it to gibson. I emailed them as to how to go about pitching them an idea and they said they wont because they have a team, and if they would they can become liable. Maybe Danelectro? I'll look into it thanks.

  10. Thanks guys for posting, I was curious about what people would say. I mostly figured what would be said but i also got alot of information from the posts. I will use this information wisely!

    I will most likely pay a luthier to build me one. Because i do understand how hard it is to put ur foot in that door but I'm fairly confident. I have an Illustration&Design D.E.C. Which has trained me in not just illustration but also designing products and creating blueprints and models.

    Anyways thanks!

  11. Hi drak.

    Thanks for your reply. I had a feeling i would get these questions.

    Lets say you would want to. I would send you an email asking you if in fact you are interested i will send you my design. If you are not interested afterwards all i ask is you do not steal it or share it.

    If lets say my partner would agree in with me i would want to patent it, and work finacially and legally.

    I understand that its not an easy task and 99% would be pessimistic of the idea. I would pay 50% of construction and other costs. I design someone would build thats the trade off. All the builders imput would be received in the design also. We would be payed 50/50 also. Its a partnert ship. I'm not the boss.

    Both would be equal of gain equal the risk.

    I would build it myself. But i don't have any tools. And it's not my expertise.

    I also know autoCad so i could build a model in scale for blueprints and dimensioning.

    I thought it was kind of fair, please reply drak I could be blindsighted. Thanks for your comments!

  12. Hi, I'm not sure if this is the topic to post this in if not sorry maybe a mod can move it?

    I've played guitar for some while now and I happen to be an illustrator. I started designing guitars and asking around and they are a hit. I don't have anything to loose so I will just ask. I was wondering If someone would want to go in partnership with me my design their building capabilities. Possibly make a line of these beauties and try to sell them to a company. Could be an interesting business proposition.

    I hope I don't get laughed at or anything. I know I'm talking out of my ass since I'm not posting my illustrations. But If i post it than anyone could take them their not patent. It would be a semi-hollow body electric guitar. Anyways I'll wait for replies, if I'm going about this wrong in any manor please inform me I'm a noob at this.



  13. Thanks guys I really appreciate the help. I'm thinking of changing one of the humbuckers. I'm trying to find a good pickup to match the sound of the guitar. I'm gonna keep the overdrive cause i like its warmth, but the distortion one is,well u know when its cheap and it has that kinda duck sound, i cant describe it. Anyways, i'm looking for a kinda warm sound maybe radiohead/rock kinda sound any ideas?

  14. Hey, my friends gave me this semi-hollow guitar. It doesnt have a logo on the stock like it usually would but i was just wondering has anyong ever seen this guitar. I looked inside one of the F-holes and it says:

    Samick - Model no. NOLA-30/BK

    Serial No. IS00110101

    It was also made in indonesia if that helps?

    model-1.jpg Heres a pic with the info.

    Heres a full shot


    Just wondering if anyones seen this guitar before. My friends got it off ebay for $50, just wondering how good of a guitar it really is. I like it, although the jacket i think is loose, or the switch, because when i switch to overdrive/rythym it looses the feed and i have to hit it for it to catch it. And also i have to move the jack from the input to get the feed sometimes. But i'm sure it wont be 2 much to repair that?

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