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Posts posted by Petar

  1. Hallo..

    I was wondering..

    Is there some way to make plain dot marker ilays to look better by adding something beside them..

    Something like small simplified leave shaped paper stickers arround the dot..so it looks like a flower..or smtng..?

    What would be the best and longest lasting material..cause i guess that plain paper would be easily and fast teared off..

    Maybe plasticised paper..or very thinn plastic..or something..?

    I do not wanna drill the board or something..just something easy, please..

    Any ideas..?

  2. I am not trying to do it myself..i just wanna know is there a way that that operation cost me cheap..?

    I was even thinking of maybe even adding some kind of leaves, made out of some kind of plasticised paper, and to glue it arround the dots..

    That would look much nicer..but..

    What material would be best to for that..

    Cause i don't wnna endanger playability..

    And would, for example, bending destroy that glued leave-shapped paper add on..?

    Thank you!

  3. Hallo..

    First to say that I am not planning to this on my own..

    But..i really hate plain dot markers..

    So, would it be complicated/expensive to mask them with some other form..?

    I like Vaish Vine inlay, but thats too expensive, and probably impossible to do in Serbia, anyway..

    So..maybe something like pyramids..or even better, some original concept..but something not complicated..

    It should be inlay that stays in between the frets..but not something that streches through the entire neck..

    I was thinking about maybe adding something like leaves arround the dots, so that it look like a flower..

    And does anyone have some link for finding some graphical desgns, to get maybe some idea..?

    Thank you very much..

    This is awesome forum!

  4. Znaci zemljak..? E, malog li sveta..!:D

    Znaci imas iskustva..? E toga sam se i bojao..jer, gledajuci tutorijale koje si mi sada i ti dao, ni meni se ne cini toliko tesko, ali ipak, ne usudjujem se sam raditi nesto tako..znaci nema sanse..ali pretpostavih da ce biti jebavanja sa nalazenjem furnira..mada..videcemo..

    A znas li nekog majstora kod nas koji bi to mogao uraditi,neki kontakt telefon.. i za koje pare ako znas..?

    Anybody else welcome to help..?

  5. Hallo..i am planning to get a rg7321, and to mod its plain black look by putting a veneer maple top on it..

    The way i would like it to be is something like on rg1880.. (here/s the link to look at:


    although i am completely aware that it is a top knotch work on it, i just want to have something in that style on my guitar..a transparent painted veneer, with black bursted edges (this is my attempt of explaining it in words..)

    So, i have to get a nice pice of flamed (tiger) maple veneer, glue it on, then color it in transparent.. is it complicated to get that black burst effect on the edges..?

    I am not planing to do it myself, of course, but just wanna know is this a complicated procedure, and is it expensive..?

    i am from Serbia, and pretty much poor for the mods, so i am looking something that could afford, not too complicated, so that luthiers from here can do it, and not to rip me off..

    any help highly apreciated!


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