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Logical Frank

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Posts posted by Logical Frank

  1. Guitar nuts has this option:


    (might be the same as the EJ mod but I can't get it to load at the minute)

    I think what I would end up doing is either making a master tone and putting a coil splitter in the hole for the second tone knob or use three of the stacked pots for a tone/volume control that's seperate for each pickup. I just don't really like the standard strat configuration--always feels like they made a mistake wiring it or something.

  2. Well--the made in the U.S.A. and the Gibson logo are just parts of it trying to pass itself off as a genuine Gibson, which is the problem ultimately. I'm not sure how anyone is fooled by these but they are... It seems like I see a post on them every two weeks and half the time it's by someone who's already paid for one.

    It's also a shame because a lot of times there's someone on the thread who says they were thinking of buying them knowing they were fake and inferior, which pretty much implies that the Gibson logo means more to them than owning a quality guitar and, as was mentioned, is an attitude that really ends up hurting smaller builders who actually make world-class guitars at prices that are reasonable for the high level of quality.

  3. I did this mod to my SG yesterday:


    I used .001 uf caps and it sounds great on the bridge but I'd still like a little more highs to come through from the neck when I back off on the volume. Could I use a lower valued cap to get a little more highs through?

    Also--this is just an idea I had--could I put a high-bypass cap on my tone control as well? I'm still trying to wrap my brain around how all this stuff works but it seems like it would be a cool mod. If my thinking is correct, this would turn the tone control into sort of a mid-scoup so I could get my amp to clean up a wee bit w/o necessarily turning down the volume.

  4. Search on eBay for Fender Humbucker, cause not everyone knows they're called wide ranges.

    Also, if you don't like waiting on eBay, and don't like the GFS option, yesterday I found an authorized dealer that actually sells the Wide-Ranges (only one I've EVER seen) so you can always do that for $72 a pickup.


    Any idea if the GFS option is actually constructed like the Wide Ranger? I've been happy w/ the two sets of buckers I've bought from there but their description of their Fender pickup clone doesn't mention anything about how they're built. It's not exactly what I'm looking for anyway; I'd want the humbucking mode to be pretty nasty and high-output.

  5. I was just fiddling w/ the coil splitter on my strat-o-thing which lets me get either the north or south coil and finding was liking chording on the north (closest to neck) coil and leads more on the south (closest to bridge) coil. I was thinking it would be cool if there were a 'bucker w/ the coils configured sort of like this:

    O - Coil 1, X - Coil 2



    That way, you could get just coil one and it would sort of simulate the angle of a strat/tele bridge pickup.

    Anyway, is there anything like that out there?

  6. Never tried it. It probably works just about as good as any loud/clean amp which is to say quite well. I'd hit it w/ Rat any day of the week. Or a Muff if you want something fuzzier. You'd probably have a hell of a time getting a really tight speed metal distortion out of it though--maybe w/ a metal zone or something...

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