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Posts posted by Page_Master

  1. well said jammy. :D

    seth, what kind of bridge are you planning to use? this is about the only 8 string bridge i can find: Hipshot 8 String Fixed Guitar Bridge.

    as for ampage, i think you would have to experiment with that yourself - just to cover personal needs of what you want your tone to sound like. the single rectifier might be good enough. i know meshuggah use Line 6 Pod Pros. may be when it is built, you could bring it to the guitar shops and try the amps out there with the 8 string. all you might need is an equalizer with the mesa.

  2. yeah, that's what poser bands do. i say once everyone starts doing something, it loses it's credibility because it is no longer original. i saw static-x live the other day and wayne static and tripp must of done it 3 or 4 times each. i shook my head and said: "what a bunch of posers." i also see a lot of nu-metal bands doing it, i think it is lame to tell you the truth. it's kind of like a new trend, and i hate trends. "wow look at me, i can swing a guitar around my body." anyways, there are a lot good guitar players out that, that are posers.

  3. these are close to my fav riffs of all time, and are the ones i can mention of the top of my head.

    listed as

    band - album - song

    Strapping Young Lad - City - All Hail The New Flesh

    Zyklon - Aeon - Psyklon Aeon

    Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine - The Chainheart Machine

    funnily enough i think my fav riffs are the bands fav riffs too. simply because they are the first songs of their albums. well first song after the intro.

  4. i never use standard tuning. well only on my acoustic and i never play that. my classical is tuned to D standard.

    i mostly play black metal and death metal.

    if i want to play slayer or old zyklon, mayhem or emperor i will use Eb. classic thrash and black metal tuning. it is like evil standard tuning.

    if i want to play some napalm death or at the gates or the haunted i will use D. i have always loved thick strings, so when ever i tune D the tensions is so tight and it screams with harmonics.

    if i want to play with my side band AFTERBATH i will use drop D or drop C. easy to use plus it is solo freindly, even though the solos are really noisy in this band.

    if i want to play strapping i will tune it to CGCGCE. strange tuning, you bar anywhere and you get a beautiful chord.

    if i want to play some arch enemy or dismember or new zyklon i will use C. my 2nd favourite tuning is C and it will be used on the new AFTERBATH cd. it is not as crunchy sounding as B, but i think it sounds crispier.

    but my favourite tuning is BEADF#B. it's beautiful - so crunchy and crisp. i use this tuning to play carcass or soilwork or incantation or bloodbath or if i am plain lazy i will play any of the bands listed above with it. even metallica and pantera!

    i use either 10-52 or 13-56 guage or lately i have been using 13-65 for B tuning.

    go head, try a weird tuning. break a string. :DB)

  5. hey eddie

    just go to bunnings warehouse in the power tools section. well where i am, they have literally hundered of dremel bits. and yes they are quite expensive, around $20-$50 but you get what you pay for. i have used dremelesque parts and they are nowhere near as good as the genuine article - they wear and tear like a MF. besides router bits cost a lot too, and if you use them right they last for years.

  6. this might be changing the topic a bit. i can play standing up and sitting down fine. the centre of my guitar sits on my belly. but anyway, i get hand fatigue as well. my hands aren't even that big. my handspan is only 21 cm. i get hand fatigue when i play electric guitar standing or sitting. that's because i do need a fatter neck. however, my hand fatigue was very low when i played classical guitar. i love fat wide necks. i think because i started on them, the transition between electric and classical is still talking place. i have only been playing electric for 1 year now and classical 4 years before that.

  7. thanx for everyone who replied. yeah people are getting lazy with the birthday threads, that's why i started my own. :D

    yes that is Subway the sandwich shop. 'Subway eat frech' Subway - Jarred lost 180lbs. blah blah what ever their ad compaign is at the time. you wouldn't believe how many Subways we have. they are nearly as abundant as Mc Donalds's. infact, Australia has more Mc D's per person than any other country. we even have Taco Bell. that tells you something. a lot of people from other countries think we have dirt roads, old buildings and koala and kangaroos jumping around on the street. out where i live there are kangaroos and wallabee on the street sometimes, koala are a little hard to come by where i live. i only live 25 mins from the City, and Brisbane is the fastest growing city in Australia. it very modern. hell, we even have Star****s, i mean Starbucks. hahahahaha. infact, Australia is the most urbanised country in the world. ok enough with the Oz talk. the other day i met an American lady who was planning to go from Brisbane to Aires Rock by Helicopter. you want to know how big the place is? that's like going from Florida to Washington, by Helicopter. hahahahaha!

  8. i have often thought about doing the same thing. no pots, just an on/off switch for my pick up. now remember, potentiometers are variable resistors. now with your current electronics schematics, i am guessing all you would have to do is replace the pot with a resistor of the same value. i am not sure about this. corrections anyone?

  9. i always tap tone wood, just to see if i can hear the difference between other/or the same wood/s that are of the same size. however, i don't make judgement like: 'wow, this piece of wood [just say it is pine, but i don't know that] sounds very resonant, perhaps i should make a guitar with it.' i think tone tapping is not by any means a surefire method of judging the tonal properties of wood. it is just a way of experimenting or exploring the wonders of tonality in woods.

    it is kind of like trying to draw a perfect circle free hand. it is impossible to draw a perfect circle free hand. and if you have drawn a circle, it may look perfect to the naked eye, until you put a circular object of the same diameter of that circle and discover it is not perfect at all. so the circle may look perfect, but it is not. just like making a judgement with the tone tapping method, you think the tone of that wood sounds high or low or sustains a lot, you could be wrong. the only way you are going to draw a perfect circle is with a circular object or a compass, and the only way you are going to have the best judgement of wood tones is if you put strings on the wood. but after all, trying to draw a perfect circle free hand is just an experiment, just like tone tapping. :D

  10. hello all

    yup! it is my birthday today, i am 18 and legally allowed to drink and smoke now. :D thanx for remembering. :D my birthday is on Australia Day which is today as well.

    so this is what i got: clothes, shoes, guitar wood, jigsaw and a router. :D well it is a lot more than i have got on previous years, so i am happy. B) especially about the wood and power tools. i had a job interview at Subway in the morning as well. it is only a present if i get the job B) but if i don't i will be very disappointed. anyways, everyone have a happy Australia Day. there is only an hour left of Aus day in Australia, but in most other places around the world it is only the morning, so celebrate! :D

  11. hi everybody

    just a few questions on binding around the fretboard with Ivoroid, not wood, Ivoroid? please :D

    1.) is it better to cut the fretboard to size so the binding fits around it and then all it has to be is glued on?


    2.) is it better to glue the fretboard on first, then route a channel around it with a dremel to and then glue the binding on? - like what you would do on a body or around a headstock?

    3.) after the binging has been installed, can i sand it down to conform with the fretboard?

    any help is greatly appreciated. B)

  12. just a suggestion. use a tune-o-matic w/ a stop tail piece. the original PRS guitars had these - before they started making production models and using one piece fixed bridges anyway. speaking of the original PRS guitars, they didn't have huge heels like they do nowl. so you should consider making the heel as small as possible. consider a deep tenon joint.

  13. i don't think that BC Rich will be producing anymore new models. reason why? the founder of BC Rich - Bernie Rico is dead, he has been dead for a while now. but i think his son - Rico Jr. has produced some new and evil looking guitars. however, it is still really hard to get pictures of them. i have only seen them on www.drumcityguitarland.com

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