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Posts posted by Page_Master

  1. hey Southpa

    thanx for the info. i was thinking of that, i just wanted to be sure. B)

    anyway, to fix those pics up, all you have to do is get rid of the ".ori" in "http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid101/pc19c8991026205ecfdc271bc2730eb95/f9e003e6.jpg.ori" in other words, the URL was named incorrectly. if you ever want to show a single picture, make sure that the picture format, whether it is ".jpg" or ".gif" ".bmp" is at the end of the URL. for example, like this: http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid1...95/f9e003e6.jpg

    so then all you have to do is click the IMG icon on the top and copy that URL in the box like so. and here is the finished product:


    enjoy! :D

  2. wow, they all look excellent, even your's does Wes - although you probably can't really see the figuring in reality, it looks alright in the picture.

    and southpa, i can't see your pics, so i fixed the links up:



    i want to stain a Mahogany guitar black. i am not really bothered about the figuring, i just want a black guitar, but not a solid black poly guitar if you know what i mean. so would i just stain the wood black, fill it and poly it? if so, what filler would you recommend? who would i apply it and so on?

  3. it sounds like mahognay minus the weight. but i do agree that it is too pretty to paint black, that's why i think you should just go mahogany. sorry for all the Devy pics, i just had to show everyone that you can use Teles for metal. and if you know Dev, he is the Cod Metal King! eee yah! anyways, all of what you want can be easily made at Warmoth, so i got a few ideas to make it more original.

    use mahogany instead of limba if your are going to paint it soild black - go neck-thru body - use an explorer head [they are very different to hockey stick heads, trust me. they are angled, hockey stick or KWS heads are straight like Fender heads.] - at the fret board end, angle it at 15 degrees. it will make it look more elegant.

  4. just a few questions:

    1.) i am building a neck-thru with a tune-o-matic bridge, i will need a neck angle right?

    2.) are carbon rods necessary on a quartersawn 3 piece laminate neck-thru guitar? if so, what is the best way to install them?

    3.) do you need dowels or biscuits between the joining of the wings to the body?

    answered questions will be greatly appreciated. :D

  5. Strat's are the AK47 of guitars, hell they were nearly made in the same year. they are cheap, easy to build and reliable. the Fender guitar is based on tradition, they are trying to keep to their roots. but i agree that it is an old design and that they use cheap methods, but a lot of people seem to think they are excellent. that's why they haven't changed the heel joint i guess. Fender are trying to use new heel methods on their cheaper model guitars, but they will never change the huge bolt-on heel on their tradition US made Fenders. i think that if Fender made the heel like an Ibanez all access neck joint, they would be a lot better. both companies are multi-millionares, they should be able to figure out something and come to an agreement. i say screw tradition, if you can make a guitar better, go for it! [that's pretty much Ibanez's motto] overall i think the Strat is extremely overrated. the design is very old and has many design flaws, so does the Les Paul. then there comes people opinions. i think the RG is much better design. in conclusion, i think the invention of the Strat is just as great of an innovation as the Humbucker, the Floyd Rose and the Neck Thru <<< they all have design flaws as well. :D

  6. i think you are getting confused with ESP Explorer:


    <<< that's Dev's guitar of choice.


    he has 3 Explorers: 2 black ones and a white one.

    his ESP Tele's can be seen live now, rarely. only when he tours Canada and Japan he uses one of his newest guitars, an ESP Telecasters with a quilted maple top loaded with 81's - i don't have the pic of that, but back in the day he did use EMG loaded ESP Teles all the time:



    <<< trust me they are all ESP - 1 black one with white binding and a white one shown below. when i say back in the days, i meant when he was in the Wildhearts with Vai and early S.Y.L. he even used ESP Horizons.



    Devy has always been strictly an ESP user. he has never played Gibson Explorers in S.Y.L. the closest a Gibson has ever got to S.Y.L. was when Jed used an SG in the "Heavy as... " days - and i can't find the pic of that because the site is down at the moment. he told me this at a store sign in, S.Y.L. toured Australia last year in September.

  7. i make my own cables. i buy high quality insulated wire, and high quality gold plated plugs, solder and insulate the connections with epoxy then heat shrink. it works a treat. :D i am no engineerer btw!

  8. i really like your idea of metal tele. besides, Devin Townsend of Strapping Young Lad has been using ESP Telecasters loaded with EMG 81 for over a decade, so what's the problem? in my opinion, you can get any guitar shape, use a low tone sounding wood for the body [Limba or Mahogany] and then load them up with high output humbuckers and you can't go wrong in terms of a metal guitar. so by all means, go for it dude!

    i think [but i could be wrong] you will not find a pickup more powerful than a Mastertone SPA-4. they are Australian and quite pricey, but since you earn good money <ahttp://www.projectguitar.com/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png' alt=':D'> i think you should consider them. Mastertone - Humbuckers just scroll down untill you see SUPA PHAT ASS.

  9. quick facts: in Australia, no one calls Lacewood Lacewood. it is commonly known as Silky Oak. <<< Lacewood is also grown in Brazil but true Lacewood [or Silky Oak] is from Australia.

    i'm lucky, i can get 150mm x 50mm for $10 a metre. that's only because it is a native though. i'm sorry, i suppose that doesn't help. the only wood i can't get at my local wood shop is african ebony and honduran rosewood. :D

  10. a lot of digitech products contain MPU chips. [multi processing units] know to make those you need to write a program on computer [or probably in machine code] then you upload that on to an MPU chip with a special machine. i could be wrong about this, but on the other hand, if they do use ICs, they are probably ICs that digitech made themselves that aren't used for typical application but only their applications, so this makes it extremely difficult or impossible to copy.

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