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Posts posted by Desopolis

  1. Being a left handed player has tought me that when you show up to a party, you wont allways pick up guitar made for you, so you had better learn that A chord upside down..

    Most right handed players argue with me, but there is a deffinate difference in between the feal of the two (right and left) almost like a slope in the fretboard.

    Now for a while I thought it was just the fact that the strings were in a different order, and instead of Increasing in size from bottom to top, it decreases.. giving a sloped feal..

    BUT recently looking over the millions of parts out there, I saw a company selling "lefty" fretboards..

    I havent seen anyone say anything about a difference when cutting, or in cutting weird angles in the back of the neck.

    is there a difference?

  2. I have been reading a lot about using Swamp Ash and the tone it provides.

    So on my first trip to the lumber supply house I asked if they had Swamp Ash, they kind of looked confused, but said they didn’t have any..

    had plenty of Ash, Alder, Maple(all types), different Rosewoods, Ebony, Koa, ETC.

    I'm curious as to the inherent differences if I decide to go with regular Ash instead of Swamp..

    any advice?

  3. Thanks guys I really appreciate the help. I'm thinking of changing one of the humbuckers. I'm trying to find a good pickup to match the sound of the guitar. I'm gonna keep the overdrive cause i like its warmth, but the distortion one is,well u know when its cheap and it has that kinda duck sound, i cant describe it. Anyways, i'm looking for a kinda warm sound maybe radiohead/rock kinda sound any ideas?

    Seymour Duncan has a good range of pickups and Hums to go through, and you can hear each one in different configurations on the website.

    Id say a 59 or Duncan Custom..

    EDIT wow, didnt see how old this post was...

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