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Posts posted by iHeart_LesPauls

  1. Because i'm a noob at wiring I need to find a way to properly install three swinesdead's pickups into my cheap strat like guitar. I want to have one humbucker in the bridge and 2 other single coils in the middle and neck positions. I want to hook it all up with a tone and volume pot to the bridge which I wish to also be Coil tapped with a push pull pot. Then i want the neck and middle pups to be hooked up to the same tone and volume knobs. On top of that where should i hook up the capacitors i have. I have three .o47uf, .022uf and .001 uf.......I want the .047 hooked up to the bridge pup. I've never done this from scratch so i'm kinda clueless but i can understand wiring diagrams. One more thing is it's all hooked up to a 5 way selector.

    Should i use the tremolo bridge as a COMMON ground for all my grounding's?

    Thanks if anyone can help with anything it would be much appreciated.

    P.s. below is a link.... this is the pickups setup. i just want to know the rest.


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