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Posts posted by cosmic_osmo

  1. A few questions for an alder project I'm doing:

    Do I need grain filler with alder or will sanding sealer work?

    I'm painting it white. I have a can of flat white paint that looks good, and if I use this then I will finish it with nitro.


    I was considering using automotive paint, since that stuff is already nice and glossy looking.

    How do you guys feel about using automotive paint on a guitar?

    Also, if I do end up using the clear coat, will it make any difference if the paint underneath is "glossy" or "flat"? In the final appearance?


  2. Ok, I'm working on an alder superstrat here, and I want to paint it a nice glossy, bright white.

    Alder doesn't have much of an open grain, so I have decided not to use a grain filler like I would have with mahogany or ash, but I still plan on using a few coats of oil based sanding sealer to get a nice smooth base. (this is my first project so please let me know if this is a good/bad idea).

    I went in to several paint stores and told them what I was doing and they all pretty much told me the same thing: A white guitar finished in nitro-cellulose lacquer or polyurethane wasn't going to look very good because either of those would tend to turn the guitar "yellow". They recommended instead that I just find the glossiest white paint I could find and build up several coats -- making sure it was nicely polished when I was done.

    If this is the case, then I'm thinking maybe automotive paint? That's the glossiest and most durable stuff I can think of right now. I'd like to hear you guys' oppinions, tips, suggestions, etc. though.


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