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Posts posted by anderekel

  1. The alsa was the first thing that popped into my head too. Aluminum has a very nice shine when polished and you could lacquer over that. That seems like it would be the best choice just cause if you decided to repaint the body you wouldn't have to redo the silver, unless you wanted it different.

  2. It depends on what you mean by a single piece headstock, cause a single piece headstock is important, at least the way you were lookin' at it in the first mockups. A single piece neck, however, isn't. A scarf joint is stronger than a single piece neck. Here's a good tutorial from perry ormsby about how he does scarfed necks. He uses a jointer but you could certainly do it with a regular hand plane, it would just take a little more time and patience. http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=30212

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