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Posts posted by anderekel

  1. Yep, I know that I'll need other tools to help shape the neck as well.

    The biggest thing is that I don't have much experience with planes and the like, I do, however, know how to sharpen a blade. I didn't think about goin' used, don't know why, I usually buy lots of stuff used, so I'm gonna take a look and see what I can find. Thanks for the info Spoke and Rich

  2. Ok, I had my aunt lookin' through my grandfather's tools to see if he had one I could use, but they can't find one, so I'm gonna buy one. I've seen that Lie Neilson (sp) seems to be considered the best. I've also seen that the veritas one's from lee valley are rather highly reccomended, at least the low angle one, the others I didn't see any thoughts on. Then there's numerous cheaper ones that I've seen are good after you give them a nice tune up and maybe a new blade. I'm in the position of not wanting to spend 120 or so for the lie, that's a lot of money, but I also don't want to get get a cheap one that I have to do a lot to to make it work decently. So, I'm wondering if there are any recommendations on a middle of the road one that will be pretty good, but not break the bank. I was lookin' at the low angle veritas one, I saw that Rich (fryovanni) got one and liked it. The biggest thing I wonder about is the low angle part though, does that make a big difference? Is it harder or easier to use, cut worse or better or anything like that? Thanks for you time all,


  3. I was thinkin' about doin' a 45 on some of it, I'm gonna draw some out different ideas and decide what I'm gonna do.

    As far as headstock goes, I have the tuners I switched out of my les paul copy, which weren't the original tuners anyway, probably much better than the original, so it's gonna be a 3x3. A prs style headstock would probably be a good one.

    The wings are chakte kok apparently also called red heart and mahogany for the back. I saw that chakte kok board sittin' there and thought it looked really nice, so I had to get it lol.

  4. Yeah, to each their own. I never really thought about it till I saw a guitar from Ed Romans that had a small hole like that (we don't need to start anything there, hehe). So I wanted to make a guitar that had a cutaway like that, but bigger and a little more fancy on the ends. Thanks for sayin' about the quality, I'm glad it's lookin' decent to more experienced builders than I.

    The headstock is 3x3, forgot to mention that earlier lol. The finish is probably gonna be tru oil.

  5. Ok, I've been workin' on this for a few weeks, but I only get to work monday nights for a few hours, so I don't get to do a whole lot at a time. Anyway, I've been wantin' to build this for a while so I'm glad I finally got the opportunity. I started the design with a template I got from killemall, a prs copy of sorts, and then modified it from there to suit the shape I wanted. I'm happy with how it's turning out so far. I'm gonna get the neck width sawed and sanded out next and then the thickness cut and shapin' the neck. In the mean time though, I'm gonna try and figure out how I'm gonna carve out the body, various bevels and belly cut and whatnot. I also have to figure out the headstock design, I don't have any idea how I'm gonna do that, shape wise that is.


    BC Rich tuners I switched out of another guitar I own

    Floyd rose locking nut, I didn't like the washburn one

    Everything else is from a cheap washburn guitar that I bought for the wonderbar, I'm not a fan of the pickups at all so at some point I'll probably switch those out, but until then I'll use what I got

    Any suggestions on how I should do the bevels or of a basic headstock that would compliment the body would be appreciated. The wings aren't actually glued on to the body yet. Let me know what ya think of the guitar overall.



    Thanks orgmorg for tellin' me that, I probably shoulda noticed that the image code was there, hehe

  6. Yep, Ebay's where I got mine. See if you can find one on a cheap guitar, that's what I did, got the whole thing for a few bucks more than a wonderbar usually goes for and now I can sell off the parts I don't want and get a little money back

  7. That would end up at over 45 bucks and I don't really wanna spend that if I don't have to, but I wouldn't be surprised if I do.

    How much did you think you would pay for a radiused/slotted cocobolo board? Like erik said, you're paying for a service, not for wood only. The cheaper you can get is a slotted board and radius block from LMI. You'll already have the block for future projects.

    And don't forget you'll have a harder time glueing a radiused board... Unless you use a radius block. But again, you'll have to buy it one day or another.

    Yeah, Like I said, didn't quite think everything out :D I'm just gonna get the board from LMII and the radius block from stew mac, thanks for the help.

  8. You make a good point, didn't think about having to true it up after attaching it, I can certainly see the reasoning behind it. I guess I might as well go with LMII and just radius it myself, thanks for pointing that out rich. Sometimes I don't quite think of the little IMPORTANT things. Thanks for the reminder, and actually, thanks for a lot of your other posts, I've learned a lot from them and many other posts on the board, but I especially like to see what you have to say. Anyway, I guess I'll go for gettin' the board at LMII and the radius block from stew mac. :D

  9. I'm lookin' for a cocobolo fretboard that's slotted and radiused. 24 frets, 25.5" scale, 14" radius. I'd get it from LMII but they don't appear to offer 14" radii :D If anyone knows where I could get one or has the ability to make one easily let me know, the only places I really know of to get the stuff is LMII and StewMac. Thanks for the help :D

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