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Posts posted by anderekel

  1. Nope, I wouldn't put ANYTHING in that tank, whatever you put in could and probably will come back out through your airlines and if you're painting from the compressor an little bit of oil or water could ruin a paint job. As long as you keep draining it and gettin' all the water out you should be fine for a long while. Eventually it might rust through and you'd have to get a new compressor, but I doubt it would soon.

  2. Hmm, I've never seen those little hvlp compressor units before, looks interesting, curious to see if anyone has experience with those. Like ripthorn said, the CFM is the key. Smaller compressors typically have less CFM. A lot of the guns I've seen have somewhere around 6 or more, usually more, CFM, I mean take that much CFM to work properly, that's what you gotta look at, find a gun that doesn't use as many CFM's and a compressor that put's out more than the gun is supposed to use, always good to make sure you're not gonna have any problems. Also, like ripthorn said, stay away from harbor freight if you're lookin' for decent tools. I know people that use their spray guns and like them, but most of them just throw them away after the job. Also, I would recommend lookin' to make sure you can rebuild the gun, or have someone do it for you, if you plan on using it for a long. Something is bound to happen after a while.

  3. Oh man, I would LOVE to get that bandsaw. Oh well, good luck on the rest of your sales. Looks like you got a lot of people interested, too bad you're gettin' out of building, but it's better to see what's important. Hope you still pop in here once in a while, after everything's sold and done, and help us with info or just bs with us :D

  4. That compressor is not gonna do it. Get like a 30 gallon tank. You also might wanna look at the finish line series of hvlp guns from Devilbiss, great guns, a little more expensive, but they are good to learn on and quality guns that you won't get annoyed with getting a finish from. If you're really interested in the painting aspect you might wanna take a look at learnairbrush.com and talk to shane (that's his screen name too), he knows more than you would ever need to know about spray equipment.

  5. Well, I'm in the same situation, just pickin' up the guitar for the first few times in months, it doesn't help that I cut the tip of my finger pretty deep a few days ago, hehe, no playin' for a bit for me. I would say there's really only one way to get back to playin', that's pick up the guitar, look up some tabs and learn'em and/or do lots of finger exercises. There isn't really a way, as far as I know, that you can get lots of skill back without lots of practice.

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