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Everything posted by ElysianGuitars

  1. small compressor? i have a porter cable 6hp 20g 135psi compressor, i figure itd keep up, though i don't how how it rates when it comes to CFM...
  2. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=prod...&lpage=none thats the spray gun i was looking at, looks pretty good to me. aluminum cup is a definite plus, and aluminum body. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=prod...&lpage=none and thats the orbital sander i was looking at.
  3. i just saw them for the first time while i was at lowes... seem like a pretty good quality product for the $. i don't really go to home depot much, far prefer lowes...
  4. what is everyones view of Kobalt tools? i'm considering buying a spray gun and an orbital sander, and they seem to be pretty high quality, but i'm wondering what experience anyone has with them...
  5. thats awesome mike, i'm close to being back into building, and my first planned build is an 8 string fanned fret.
  6. thats a lot of wasted wood! especially from the neck blank.
  7. got this today, for 135, with a 30ft hose. also ordered a crapload of fretting tools/supplies.
  8. nice, i'll take that approach. i've got some specs on the drillpress, i didn't have much to go on before. its a 14" drill press, with a 1/2hp motor. bandsaw also has a 1/2hp motor.
  9. i've never been to austin, but i love dallas, this place is just great, imo.
  10. most definitely. i'm gonna be cleaning the garage this weekend(got a 3 day weekend), i'll take care of the rust as well.
  11. http://www.elysian-online.com/ToolScore3.jpg
  12. got both of these from a local guy via craigslist, they barely have any use on them, they are absurdly clean(besides a little bit of rust on the stand of the drill press). he told me he bought them a long time ago, then got married, and had to move on from whatever work it was he said he was doing, so they sat in his mom's garage for a while. they both work beautifully. this makes 3 delta power tools for me. i got these 2 for 450, and i got my delta belta sander/disc sander for 60. finally getting closer to being able to build again. and pardon my mess in the pics, the garage needs to be rearranged and cleaned. http://www.elysian-online.com/ToolScore4.jpg
  13. i dunno, i lost 40 pounds working out there in the sun every day
  14. maybe it just depends on the time of year, for finish work and all?
  15. see, at RV, they don't have us take the ledge up to the edge of the bridge, its about 1/16th or so in from the edge of the bridge... i think the reasoning for that is because they feel most will mess it up if its right up to the edge. edit: looking at the RV site, i'm amazed only 2 people finished 3rds, and they were both acoustics... is that because of how they structured the class?
  16. the way we do the bridge, and i'm not honestly sure of any other way to do it, is using a dremel on a stewmac router base with a small router bit, and we literally cut the finish out of the bridge area, but not to the edges of the bridge, they had us overlap the lacquer with the sides of the bridge, so there was absolutely no way to get a "flush" glue seam on our acoustics bridges, same thing with the fretboard, there was no way to get the top flush with the bottom of our fretboards(on the body overlap that is), we did it via the same method... basically you've got a gap of the same thickness as the lacquer, which you've gotta fill with something, and theres no way in hell i'd use epoxy(as others have suggested) to fill said gap, unless you never wanted to be able to do a neck reset, or modify the bridge whatsoever, without destroying the top.
  17. why would you never trust that? glue and dust makes for a pretty strong joint. does it not matter that nearly 2 years later, my acoustics bridge is still 100% attached?
  18. no sir, i don't like it. just looks weird for the sake of being weird.
  19. damn, that thing is beautiful. when you glued your bridge on, did you just use glue, or did you do the glue and sawdust? first time i glued it, i just used glue, and it popped off a few days later, so i redid it with glue and sawdust, and almost 2 years later its still holding tight...
  20. they were selling those floyd rose guitars for under 200 recently, dunno if they still are, on sites like musiciansfriend.com and music123.com...
  21. Every time I brought it up before,you said you did not like the strings being only available through Floyd,and that the nut does not cap off the end of the neck...But I am glad to hear you changed your mind,or maybe you were just speaking on a general basis in the past. I truly do believe the speedloader is a good choice on a headless... as do i, had one on a bc rich when they first came out, and it was incredible. easy to set up, always kept tune, and just a great trem in general.
  22. take it, its worth it. Reuter is the man. Kris is also the man, he got me into the aircooled vw's, even went with me to pick out my 71 beetle.
  23. yeah the schedual went.. 3 weeks of repair 15 weeks of building 2 weeks of repair i don't know why they split it up that way, but i guess it's better this is the link to my electric.. she's pretty sweet as well nice, looks great. are you doing a 3rd at all? one thing they voiced concern over for the people doing natural finishes is they'd miss out on learning how to do a burst, though some did a 3rd with a burst, so it worked out...
  24. its interesting to see how the schedule has changed since i went in spring 06, we did our electrics and acoustics at the same time, i even did my 3rd and 4th while still working on my 1st and my acoustic(though my 4th ultimately stretched into the repair section)... if i'm not mistaken you guys do the repair section first? or something to that effect? edit: which electric is yours on the RV site?
  25. wow, this is probably the only ergo design i've really seen on here that i like the way it looks! good luck on the build, should be a good one.
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