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Posts posted by ElysianGuitars

  1. this is my first post, my name is Adam, i live in Plano, TX(about 15 minutes from dallas), and i went to Roberto-Venn for the spring class this year... built 4 guitars while i was there, 3 electrics and 1 acoustic...

    heres my first guitar, a prs style set neck, swamp ash body, myrtle top(i picked it for the look of the grain, no other reason, well and it was like 10 bucks lol), maple neck, ebony board... i basically took the lower half of a strat, made it pointy, added the cutouts, and made it symmetrical. i'm really pleased with how it came out, i wanted to do something "extreme" but not painful, which i definately achieved with the contouring i did on the back.

    i'll start with the final product since i know i only get 1 pic per post lol


    heres the body blank, carved a bit





    me with the guitar and rough neck, i weighed a lot more back then, about 220 or so, i'm at 195 now, so looking at this pic always makes me laugh lol


    neck blank, little burn on there, with the finish on the neck being black i didn't really worry much about that...




    i got this idea from the petrucci ibanez's, and because i didn't design the guitar very well and my hand would hit off the horn, this alleviated it most of the way, but someone else might have an issue, if i ever build this thing again i will most definately address that


    a little bit of mock up, you can see the knot in the top fell right under the pickup, and the grain lines really work well with the body shape


    here it is right after i sprayed color on it





    and thats about it for that one

    edit: ahh auto merge double post, guess i'll post the acoustic after someone responds :D

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