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Posts posted by wylde1919

  1. I meant no disrespect to your personal tastes rye, we all like what we like, I play ina band with a bunch of older guys and they thin Im crazy for being such an ibanez nut (over the more traditional fender and gibson). BTW im sure If you continue to market your band in such an agressive manner (kudos on that by the way!) uts only a matter of time before we see your name on a PRS ad! :D

  2. I am not far enough along in my learning (grasshopper still has a long way to go) to really contribute as a builder, but logistically speaking I'd be glad to help with the organizing and scheduling of the project. Also I think maybe making it a n ongoing project where the builders and finishers rotate each time would help. And why limit ourselves to auction. If you put it on consignement people will play it for themselves and love it for what it is, not be bogged down by name brand snobbery. Just my take on the subject.

  3. no disrespect to the bari but I think its going to be a novelty, kind of like 7 strings, they will flood the market and then the price point will go stupid low in a few years.

    I just jumped on the 7 string bandwagon after they went down to great prices. ive never played a bari so maybe ill jump on the tail end of that trend too! the mushok models do look sharp ! :D

  4. Thats the one Im talking about, not the fb4. Sorry my typing skills caused that confusion im sure :D

    I already have the FB4 and you are right the volume pedal is a must (as for some reason i cant get my dunlop volume pedal to work with any distorted sounds , just the clean ones) and again apologies for the thread hijack!

  5. Wes had his best work IMO with Hammond B3 maestro Jimmy Smith. That was great stuff. and nordic if you wanna check out something go back in time a bit and find some charlie christian. He was putting down horn lines on 6 strings long before anyone else. Like Byrd on an archtop!

  6. Cheers guys, it's nice to know these things.

    Dunno what I'm doing in the players section though - I don't belong here - I'm useless.

    Dude dont ever say that! If you can only play a single power chord, as long as you play it with honest emotion, then you have every right to be in the players section. Remember no matter who your guitar hero is whether it be steve vai, steve howe, or steve the guy who plays covers at the local pub, none of them picked up a guitar for the first time and made a masterpeice!

  7. I guess what I was trying to point out in the other thread was ( as far as I know) Ibanez were the first ones to make the low profile on the fine tuners, put piezo's in floyd rose and also the new zero resistance trems look promising too. Ibanez has made a ton of different FR trems but most are just variations. If i am off base on anything the more expreienced froum members will no doubt correct me ( and rightfully so!!!!!)

  8. I went to college for Jazz Guitar and only lasted 2 years. There are a few things that will help you:

    1 if you don't already, LEARN TO READ MUSIC.

    2 Learn the fretboard, I.E. know what each note you are fretting is without having to think from fret 1 to fret 24 on all 6 strings.

    3 Buy a good basic theory book and abosrb everything you can about chord construction, scale construction, intervals, and make sure you get a good base before trying to go advanced.

    4 last but most important is check your ego at the door. I left high school thinking I was the second coming of Randy Rhoads and got my head handed to me for it. Everything you think you know, you may have to relearn, and if you are not humble enough to follow your instructors every word like he or she is the Messiah, you'll have a hard time. I did.

    Hope that helps ( o and as a heads up you will take twice as many classes as your peers when you become a music major. thats not even including the mandatory 6 hours practice you have to put in just to keep up)

  9. Well, I see the string dampeners as a viable way of playing. However, Diamond Darrell's use of foam is for something completely different. He uses the foam BEHIND the nut, not in front of it, to damp the nut-to-tuner pling pling sympathy vibrations. The foam in the trem cavity is the for the same thing, to get rid of the vibrations in the springs. I've been stuffing the trem cavities of my Universes with foam since about 1991 for the same reason though I don't have any problem with the headstock string noise.


    I stand corrected, sorry for the misinfo part. But I stand firmly behind the crown royal comments!

  10. i agree with alex...randy's solos were simple.very cool though,his rythm style was what made him special.but i really think jake e lee was the best.

    I gotta disagree about Jake, but then again thats just my opinion, and we alll know the saying about opinions. I just felt like he was sloppier, and kind of a standard player. But i still play shot in the dark and bark at the moon like daily!

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