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Posts posted by renablistic

  1. You wouldn't think it'd need a headstock, would ya? Ypu could use one of those no-tuners jobs that BC rich uses on some of their new models, or build it like one of those "no-headstock-travelers"... I vote you guys do keep calculations of all costs, and exactly what parts are used, and where bought. Brian should become ring leader of this shindig, obviously. He should set up a special password-protected portion of projectguitar.com where everycontestant has to log onto and enter the info on price and such. I think there should be an open poll for everyone on projectguitar to vote on who should win the contest. to keep it fair, the only people who should be aloud to vote are those that are forum regulars or higher, because let's say drak (i'm not picking on ya, man) REALLY wants the prize, he could just have like 30 of his frineds and relatives sign up for projectguitar just to vote for him, and thats not fair. Also there should be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, all of which should win a prize. I'm going to start keeping my eyes peeled for a nice flea-market fixer-uper find for 3rd place or so. Everyone who enters should be updated to whatever the highest ranking or avatar or whatever is... Or a "carriburst entrist" or the winners could get like "1st place-Carriburst Contest"

    Thats my two cents.

  2. yes that green guitar is the one of which i own, and am fully renovating and refinishing. It works well except for it crackles a bit as you turn the tone knob, but other than that, it's ok... I just thought it looked wierd, The Tone Capacitor is usually connected to one part of the Tone pot, and then to another part of the tone pot, not bridged between the volume and tone like that. My grandfather whos a electronics expert said some mumbo jumbo i could barely make-out because he's kind of crazy and will switch from whats going on with the tone pot then switch to how when he was a kid he would use old radios to make guitar amps...

    But I will check out those sites. Thanks guys.

  3. 40705376-Teiscoschematics.JPG


    Those are my hand made schematics... **cough**

    I'm refinishing my guitar and I want to replace the pots and the tone cap. But The tone cap is bridged between the volume/tone pot, which is odd to me. (keep in mind that The only other guitar I've bothered to look at the insides of is my Ibanez Rg 120.) So if someone could make some sense of these, and possible draw up some new ones that i could re-wire this one with the sme pots to work better, or for the new pots+working better. Thanx a lot...

    I think i'm over-exaduratting (sp?)...

  4. I'm an idea guy, i guess, I'll never build this guitar, and if I do, it'll be when I finally open a professional custom guitar shop, in like 5 years...

    well, anyways my idea is inspired by my local fire trucks.

    GOLDFOIL!! You know the gold stuff they use for letters and stuff on fire engines? An intricate design on either an a)red or b)black guitar. Would it need clear coat over the foil? you wouldn't think so, i mean it stays on the fire engines pretty well through all the crap they go through. Just an idea, btw... :D

  5. I've ordered quite a bit online, but I'm still dead paranoid about getting my (moms) credit card number stolen. So far I've benn happy with musician's friend, Stewmac, and this one bike on-line catalog, but Reranch kinda looks a bit how do you say un-professional to me. Has anyone ordered from them? Also, do they ship on time?

    Thanks a lot!

  6. lol man if you want a wireing schematic diagram then email me and ill try and cook something up for you. youd have to gimme exact specs eg how you want things switching and everything but i could definatelly give it a go


    i will, when I have finally decided i want to actually build it

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