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Posts posted by renablistic

  1. well, i never went to guitar center yet (my dad scratched his eyeball with sandpaper) so i have more time to think... I've almost completely decided on amp... Yes, behringer, yes that 2 by 12 vampire. it'll definately be an improvement over my 8 inch fender which we have to mike a little bit just to hear over the drums. But, you never know... i might pickup some ibanez get an erection from it being sooo nice, and buy it instead....

    cheers :D

  2. :D Ok, i'm going to go and buy a guitar tomorrow.. which one? Answer soon, like in the next hour, because i won't see thi poll again tomorrow until after i have bought it...

    My price range is like 300-400 i suppose... maybe higher

    ...But i NEED an amp, and WANT a guitar, so if an amp is a better idea... vote that..


    I messed up on that, sorry...

    Mexi Fender Tele

    Mexi Fender Strat



    Ibanez(all ready have one, though [extrapolate on model])

    Low-end Gibson or high end epi LP (please tell which below)


    amp (extrapolate on model below)

    other (extrapolate below)

  3. B):D:D I got my music to play bass in the school band, and right next to the bass cleff (the left "C" thing) there is a flat symbol! What does it mean? my trumpeter says on the trebel cleff it means all Bs are flat... but he's unsure of what it means on bass cleff. :D

    Also, theres a a sharp sign next to another bass cleff, and like 5 flat signs next to another... B)




  4. i use pink ernie ball slinkies on my electric guitar (not pink strings, the ones with the pink packages)

    and i use heavy bottom, light top d addarios on my acoustics

    on bass i use Labella strings, which are three sets for like 30 bucks, and they are superb strings.

  5. Thanks guys! Well, I'm not searching for a quick fix, i'm looking to become a better player over time. I have found someone to teach me theory over the net. I'm i am very happy.

    Thats called going down a minor 3rd. very common in the blues.
    I do that all the time!!!!

    And about the pentatonic scale, yes i do know that.. it is gret for soloing. hell, the dude from the doors (don't know his name) used it all the time for improv solos!

    thanks everybody!



  6. I'm stuck. For teh past year or so I've been teaching myself gyuitar with no ones's help. And surprisingly, I've gotten really good. But there's a problem... bands... I can seem to play along well when I'm listening to a good band, but when i play and write for myself it sorta isn't perfect. So what i need is help. (and i don't have money for lessons) so if anyone could give me quick lessons on soloing, especially. namely blues solos and Metallicaish stuff. And tabed out scales, and little lessons of theory, stuff like that, i just wanna be able to play with a full band....

    Thanks ahead of time!



  7. started when i was 13, but was going on 14 in about 2 weeks, i am now 15... My birthday is in November so that means i've been playing about 1 year and a few months. Just recently i've been getting into learning scales and keys, and soon music (not just tab). i'm really good at learnin songs by ear, and playing along well, but when i try to play along using tab it never sounds right. I'd say I'm in the top 10 or 15 of about 100-150 in my school. So i'm in the top 10% basically. next year I'm playing bass for my schools "music express" (show choir [singing+dancing] with a live band). Starting a metallica-ish band soon..



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