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Posts posted by renablistic

  1. Whats th esmallest size bandsaw i could use to resaw wood, like a piece of wood half the size of the guitar body to resaw into a top or something? this is too small for just about anything, right?

    This one looks like it's got good clearance. I need the cheapest one possible...

    Oh yeah! My girlfriend's mom works at the local harbourfreight store, and she MIGHT be able to get me a discount! I love this girl! I think i'm gonna marry her! (no i won't)

  2. an idea... wood takes a while to dry, so i'm guessign that alot of the honduras mahogany that people still have and are selling is a few years old, and was originally cut down previous to the honduras mahogany "ban". I mean, what is the government gonna do, replant the old mahogany back into the ground? Things like this take a while to kick in. I'll bet if the ban stays in order for a while, no one will be selling real honduras mahogany in a few years..... Think of prohibition. The government banned the production and sale of alcholol, not the consumtion or buying of it. So, the gov't was able to go into company's warehouses and shut down the factories and destroy their stash, but people who still had wine or whisky in their cellar were still aloud to drink it in their home, the gov't didn't bother to go in every house and destroy everyones bottle of red wine and such. Same with the wood, Larry and other people still have honduras mahogany in their basements ready to sell, but they can't get no more from the supplier, and soon they will run out.

  3. Hardwares2

    I've been seeing problems with that site. When I first entered it, I was asked if I wanted to download foreign language support (korean?). Now I'm seeing strange characters next to the descriptions. I doubt they intended to have a question mark after their part description for the floy rose locking nut. If they did, why the heck are they selling it if they don't know what it is?

    Anyone else see these strange problems? Maybe somethings up on my end?

    i am having similar problems. No biggie, though. It's just messed up text.

  4. Heres an idea. Shoot the guitar once with a big revolver, or high powered rifle. Then make up a story that the guitar was your father's when he was young, and the guitar stopped the bullet, and saved his life. So he's had it for 30 years through thick and thin, and thats why it's so messed up.

    That would be cool!

    "Mein Mutter ist Mein Vater!"


  5. hahahaha. Dude that sucks. You cant refinish cardboard, eh? Unless you go over the existing one with like a solid color.... I want a half size acoustic. I have 3/4 size i converted to fretless but it's too big to play while in the car... so i need a half size fretless....

  6. aerosol aint that bad... I have a tiny room, a few meters by a few meters, and i do all my spraying in there, and then stay in there to play playstation 2 while it readies for next coat. That's not what you wanna hear, though. I would use something better, like those grizzlys.

    But I wouldn't bother with a mask unless i painted more than once a month.

  7. No i said the voodoo chile thing. You told me i was wrong. I admittted but said i have alot of useless crap in my head. So you said it's good to have. And i said yeah, when it's right. Meaning that sometimes my crap is wrong and in that way the useless info is completely useless.

  8. Recently I've been studying the guitar body to see why it appeals, and realized it is imaginary lines. it's lines that are crossing the body to connect curves and horns to make oval shapes, a few of them. it's hard to explain. But in my mind (no offense) it doesn't stick out as sexy, i cant connect flowing lines, and etc. it just looks like a blob.

    But as far as your CAD work, very nice. You are definately good.

    Sorry if I offended ya.


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