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Posts posted by angry_jeremy

  1. westhemann,

    I think saw a pic of your little setup and that's what inspired me to look for cheaper alternatives.

    Another question came to mind the other night while puttering away in the shop...I want to do a 45 degree bevel around the top edge of the v but I'm worried about blasting a chunk off at the points cause they're quite sharp. I want the sharp points but don't wanna screw it up with the router.

  2. Howdy,

    I've got 2 projects on the go at the moment and some questions have come up from reading various posts as of late. Here's basic descriptions of both:

    1)PRS McCarty wanna-be: Carved top solid mahoghany body, set mahoghany neck, rosewood fingerboard, 25" scale, 3/side locking grover tuners, either 2-piece tune-o-matic or one-piece bridge (consistent with original). Questions: My wood for making the neck is thick enough to cut out the angle in the headstock, would it be better to make a joint for the angle or just cut 'er out? Should I use a volute (i think that's what they're called, the wonky thing opposite the nut)? Should the stump of the neck extend into the neck pickup cavity under the pickup? Should I angle the neck pocket or the neck stump itself?

    2)Jackson Randy Roads V wanna-be (not intended, but had a case of the stupids when I went to buy the wood for the McCarty and only bought a 2' length when I needed 3', curse and swear. Besides being sweet, the V is the only shape I could think of that would fit on the board I had. An unexpected turn of events, but not unwelcomed B) ): Mostly the same questions as above I guess pertaining to neck stuff 'cause I've never made one before. I think I might make it just a bridge pickup metal monster! :D In this case how would I hide the neck joint? Under the fingerboard?

    Anyways, I've got some (crappy) pics at home that I'll post soon. I keep forgetting to bring them to my parent's house to a scanner. Thanks. :D

  3. I'm looking into making a neck for the first time too, although it might take a while to get the $$ to order the right tools to make them but once I have the tools, I'll always have 'em right? I'm stuck at the moment on how to do the truss rod channel. I have left one edge of my neck planks parallel to the line for the truss rod, but I don't have anywhere to attach an edge guide to it. Any ideas/suggestions? :D

  4. Hey, I was looking into that too and being from New Brunswick I didn't particularly want to move to Phoenix or BC for like 8 months. There is one in Calgary called Fretworks.


    It looked pretty good and the longest is 3 months. It doesn't have the same business training as Roberto-Venn but looks to be enough if you wanted to do repair work and with practise, custom building. Happy hunting buddy :D

  5. I did the duct tape finish on a Squier strat about a year ago. I was taking off the paint to refinish it but I didn't have the patience to sand the finish off in the cutaways by hand. The only problem I had was getting a smooth cover on the rounded areas so it didn't pucker. Looks cool though. Good luck.

  6. Yeeks! B)

    No, I didn't start the thread and don's know what rsera is talking about but

    I don't cut inlays (something to work on for the next project...). I just thought that it was quite useless for that hotrod/hotrock/whatever guy/girl to post that without telling people what it was. I guess he just doesn't get that this place is about helping each other out.

    Sorry if I pissed some people off :D

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