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Posts posted by jimmyb

  1. F1000020.jpg



    ok its my first attempt at building or even modding because im only 15!! im a bit embarresed cause you guys are like experts!!

    anyway, so yeah ive cut out the body and sanded. ill be doing a shitload more sanding though. ill be routing and starting the neck later as more money comes!!

    oh and another thing...dont take notice of the neck pocket region...i havnt even touched it so its not like done or anything!!

    ok any help and comments are appreciated!



  2. ok im currently building my first guitar(from scratch).

    anyway i dont have digital cam. to win do u have to make a tutorial or anything? because i would have to take all the pics, take the film into the shop and get them to put it on a cd for me should i just do a tutorial or something to win?

    by the way its an esp explorer. it will be painted white, black hardware, 2 humbuckers, TOM and tailpeice etc. :D


  3. ok so ive cut out my body and sanded it.(its an esp explorer, from the bolt on explorer CAD from guitarbuild.com)

    anyway im ready to start doing the next stage. routing the pickups cavities, neck pocket, the control cavity and drill the holes for the TOM and tailpeice.

    ok i was wondering if anyone knew of any where i could get templates. the thing i am concerned about is the neck pocket. im not really sure on the angle or the depth that i have to route.

    any help is GREATLY appreciated.

  4. I used the ESP bolt-on explorer plans from www.guitarbuild.com(explorer13_pub.dwg).

    Im using 'Melleluka' wood, not sure what its like though my uncle whos a carpenter bought it for me because it had similar properties to Mahogany.

    I cut out the body and sanded it today at his workshop.

    its awesome, cant wait to finish!!!

    anyway i have a few questions:

    1) does any one have that CAD file?can it be used for humbucker templates? If yes how deep should i go.I'll probably be using Seymour Duncans.

    2)the cad has the neck pocket but again how deep do i go and on what angle?


    3) the cad has the tunomatic and tailpeice on it. can i just drill at the end of them? If so what size drill bit should i use?

    Thanks :D

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