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Posts posted by otgordin

  1. Maiden, thats what i assumed the purpose of wrapping the strings over was once you said it. And as far as the graphite saddles go, the last thing i want to do is change my tone, but i should have figured it would if i change the material that tranfers sting vibration to the body. hmmmmm. looks like I am gonna try the wrap around thing. Or possibly a one-piece like the piano lookin' bridges on stewmac.

  2. THanks for the responses. I have had the guitar since it was new (three years) I haven't played the brand of strings i have on it now (Blue Steel 12s) but used to use them exclusively so I don't think that is the problem. We have been playing heavier stuff lately, but I would assume that the is not the problem. I will try the wrap around thing next time I get a chance to restring. So i guess you guys don't see the use in having roller or graphite saddles?


  3. Hey doods,

    So for some reason, strings have been breaking at the the tune-o-matic on my guitar lately (granted we have been playing much heavier stuff). My friends have suggested graphite saddles to relieve back-tension, or possibly even a roller bridge. Any thoughts?


    btw, Lovecraft, the patch for rotary on my v-amp was dead on for that incubus song. thanks.

  4. wow, i definately never put the two songs together. But now that I think about it they do have a similar "oscilating" sound. I have never really gotten into effects... but I should have my v-amp next week so I plan to dive right in (finally a break from classes). Thanks dude.


  5. Hey guys,

    There is an incubus song called Idiot Box off of S.C.I.E.N.C.E. (track 4). During the clean part the guitar has some kind of ridulously awesome effect to it. I was wondering if anyone knows what that effect is and how would I even begin replicating it on a VAMP 2. BTW, sorry if this is in the wrong section.


  6. Hey,

    If you are checking out the hot rod, take a look at the peavey classic 50 4x10. From the research i did when i got the amp, the two are pretty close except the peavey got much better reviews. Look it up on HC. I just got one this summer and its amazing. Its my first real tube amp so I have nothing to compare it to, but $420 on the bay for 50 watts of tube is pretty freakin awesome. Again just my 2cents. And btw, what about blue voodoos?


  7. Doooooods,
    I know that I am going to open a can of worms with this, but what about Dillion, Agile, Tokai, etc?

    They may not have as much name recognition, but a few of the guys at my fraternity have mid range gibsons, fenders, etc. and my dillion 500x outplays them all and looks better than most of them.

    my 2 cents.

    -Vadim \m/

    [url="http://www.rondomusic.bigstep.com/item.jhtml;$sessionid$UOFCWXQAAA3RRTZENUFZPQWPERWRJPX0?UCIDs=850849%7C940498&PRID=1456585"]Agile Prestige LP[/url]

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2384&item=3744048824&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW"]Tokai Love Rock[/url]

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2384&item=3744886283&rd=1"]Dillion 1500[/url]

  8. The switch is the EP 4368-010 all chrome danelectro switch from brian's site here.

    Universal Jems Switches

    Saber: the push/pull cutoff is hooked up. It is to the left of the output jack.

    Lovecraft: I will check the switch with a multimeter tomorrow after i borrow one from work.

    Thanks for the help guys, I have no idea what is going on.


    On a ridiculously happy side note, I just bought my first tube amp. A peavey classic 50 4x10 and it is amazing :-D At least to my SS acclimated ears.

  9. Hey guys, I just put in a new pickup selector and a push/pull mute on my tone knob. The push pull is a regular 500k cts with a spdt. The selector is the all chrome danelectro from Brian's site. Everything works except that the selector mutes the guiar when it is in the middle position. Here is how I have it hooked up. I drew everything as a picture instead of a schematic in case I hooked something into the wrong spot.




  10. GUys,

    I just wanted to say that this is by far the coolest section of the coolest forum I read. Thanks for getting me so stoked about building guitars (As soon as my e-mail address doesn't end in .edu and I have the money to do it right.) Rock on.

    -Vadim :D

  11. Hey guys,

    I just ordered the 555 timer, so I will try this out in a bit.... but what if this circuit were to be controlled by two footswitches. A dpdt temporary switch on the input, and a regular dpdt to bypass the circuit entirely. In other words, Have it so that you can select when the circuit "grabs" a note. And then just sum that with the input from the guitar with a zero gain 741 right after. Just a thought.


    *noticed misspellings

  12. wow, I completely forgot I asked this...

    Hey guys,

    When said real kent armstrong pickups I meant the handowound jazz ones. Not the mass produced ones on WD. As far as changing out the pickups goes... I played my buddies gibson lp and decided I like my pickups alot more than I thought. Peace. And thanks for the replies.


  13. by changin brands you may have accidentaly changed gauge. Meaning not everyones mediums are the same.

    Yeah, but .013 is .013 in any language. I'll look into Thomastik-Infeld next time I need strings, but both my guitars at school just go re-strung so that won't be for a while.


  14. THanks for the responses, I have been playing with the guitar alot over the weekend. It has started to sound a little fuller. What I did notice tho is alot more clarity and volume. My friends and I were jamming on the porch of our house last night, and I cut through during solos with ease. I probably won't buy them again, but now i can say i tried 'em. THanks again.


  15. So I needed new strings, and decided to drop the extra money for a set of elixirs. They feel plastic and horrible and make my formery rich and lush sounding acoustic and sound that can best be described as "tinny". Is this going get better as the strings settle? It also seems like the coating inhibits fingerpicking. If it helps, the guitar is a yamaha with a spruce top and mahogany back and sides and the strings I used to use were bronze wound martin marquis. Thanks


  16. Hey guys,

    I am not sure if it was here or on MIMF, but i remember a thread where a bass player made little "dot" pickups for each string. I would assume that that same approach would work here. I tried to find it in both places. Hope this helps.


  17. Sounds like its gonna be a straight one. Although I am still gonna try out both. Just got done rocking two finals this weekend with a combined three day sleep total of about 8 hours. One more left and its off to the toy store. Thanks for the advice.


    btw: three greatest things about summer at a frat house

    1. Beer

    2. BBQ

    3. Endless Guitar...

    :D I can't f*n wait.

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