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Posts posted by otgordin

  1. Hey guys,

    One of my friends wants to record a physics review session we are having on friday onto his micro tape recorder. Is there a relatively cheap microphone that he can point at the professor and have it pick up the guy talking about 30 feet away, or is it gonna have to be placed on a desk in the front row. BTW, its an ampitheater type lecture hall, so there is line of site between the surface of the desk and the teacher's head. Thanks and sorry for being only slightly related.


  2. Hey guys,

    I just started a band, and the bassist is amazing. Easily one of the best musicians I have played with (and I have played with kids that ended up at Berkley, New England COnservatory, and Manhattan School of Music). Most of the stuff we play is somewhere between funk and hardcore. I just can't keep up, can anyone recomend a decent book or video to teach me some new scales and help with speed and technique. Thanks dudes.


  3. back to the piezo thing, so how about a hooking a circuit up as follows, any thoughts?

    peizo elements --> jfet buffer (little bit of boost) --> tone stack (the three band ones used in amps) --> blend pot for combination with magnetic pickups.


  4. have any of you guys ever put this together, and thoughts on the circuit. I realize its not going to be like having six different pedals, but the idea of breaking down the stages of different setups and being able to pick the ones you want seems cool.


    btw, as far as the pitch shifter comments I posted earlier this week, feel free to punch me in the face. I assumed it would be alot simpler than it turned out.


  5. Do you mean all the strings tuned down a half step, or just the E string down to a D. The whole guitar down a half step thing could be done with a pretty simple active circuit activated by a push/pull. I'll post something this weekend, too much hw right now.


  6. don't feel too bad dude, crybabies are just ok. the 10 dollar one is at the bottom of the page and is the exact part number used in vox wahs


    btw, how is the new soldering iron coming, i haven't seen anything in a while

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