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Posts posted by jeremywills

  1. i have always loved the tv yellow finish, my granddad had a tv yellow lp junior, i loved that thing, he had to sell it for my grandmas medical bills about 4 years ago, when i originally put together my spare parts strat, i had considered it then, but the black finish on the body was perfect, so why go and spoil that, now i have a unfinished body and neck on the way and it would be the perfect oppurtunity to finish it in tv yellow, i think ill get the best of both worlds here, its a hardtail body, wich is not a tune o matic stop bar, but a tele style bridge, still better sustainer, i dont play anything except rythm anyways, no need for a trem, but i think with the headstock, the hardtail bridge, and humbuckers, rear routing, etc. nice blend of a gibson and fender style solid body, i think tv yellow would be the perfect finish, hell i might even entertain the idea of filling the bridge holes and going with the single wraparound, i dunno many ideas, ok tv yellow would make me happy, i have read that tutorial it dont look too hard, anyone done a tv yellow finish yet, any concerns or suggestions, i think ill take as much time as i need to no big rush, this will be a slow process, ill have to be paitent, i waited 2 years for my strat as i slowly waited to get the exact items i wanted, this is like the best xmas gift i could find, i always wanted a fender/gibson, but most kits are either fender or gibson, not a combo so this was a blessing, ok im going to shut up now, im too excited, its my first what i consider a real custom project, ok so i didnt cut the wood on my own, im still happy as i think ill have something rare, not too many people i think will have something like this, i just want to thank everyone for understanding, ahhh tv yellow, its going to look great, unless i go with a natural wood grain look, i always liked that too, hmm well either tv yellow or a clear gloss, ideals, suggestions are appreciated, this is my inspiration btw, this fender and this gibson, i get the best of both worlds hehehehe, its great, sorry im too happy bout this.... this is what im drawing ideals from http://www.fender.com/gear/gear.php?partno=0110600# wich is a color they call butterscotch blonde but is a very tv yellowish looking color, damn close and http://www.gibson.com/products/gibson/lesp.../JrSpecial.html but my granddads was a 94 i think and it was tv yellow, not natural since they dont offer em in tv anymore, basically my first thought was hmm the tornado is alot like the junior, now i get both im happy. I think the fender tornados kick ass by the way, i messed with a few of them at the music shop when they first came out.


  2. well i got it, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&item=930774618 as soon as i get it ill let you know, also ill be needing advice big time, im seriously thinking of attempting a tv yellow finish, i have read the guitar re ranch tutorial, it dont seem too difficult to achieve, any other ideas you guys might have, ill try and get better close up pics of it as soon as i get it, maybe the grain wont look so good in a transparent finish, also, if i scrap the tv yellow finish, what other ideals do you have that might look good that would be semi easy, maybe i should have posted this in the finishing area, oh well, could i just thompsons water seal the body or something, i like that finish alex did on his mockingbird, maybe ill ask him how to do that, i dunno, im just too excited, brian ill be in touch on aqcuiring the pickups, hardware etc..........


  3. ITS MINE 86 bucks, i think i got a good deal, we shall see when it arrives

    thanks for your advice

    its only 11 bucks more than i was hoping for, cant complain too much plus the 15 bucks for shipping, right at a 100 wich is all i wanted to pay total im happy

  4. with ebay last sec if u had an earlier bid in you get priority, even if ifs a much smaller one, just in case you say ill go lets say 5 over what i said it would and the other guys are thinking the same, ill go 5 over lets say 100, so that would be then the ebay computer saying ok i 5 105 bids, who originally showed interest in this thing, the person with the oldest original bid would get it, but im setting my limit at 100 cause i am already adding it up, its a great find i think and i hope to have it

  5. check the guys other auctions, hes got fretting tools, and all kinds of other guitar building stuff, plus some other great things, an ol ibanez tube screamer pedal, i have one, they are awesome, great tube distortion sounds outta that litte green thing, and some othe neat stuff too

  6. I looked at the pics again and again, re thought it over, I put my max bid at 100 bucks, ill keep my eye on it and near the end of the auction if theres a ton of last min bids flying by then forget it, I hate getting into a bidding war last second. For a 100 bucks or less it seems to be a decent project. Alder wood is a good wood and I like the neck with the binding and the 3 + 3 gibson style head. Im thinking tv yellow and some p100's would be cool, kinda get a les paul / strat thing going with it, I would love to learn how to finish something, this just might be it, well there it is, I thought one of you gents might be interested too in it. Thanks for your advice. Jeremy.

  7. ok i got creative with the colorbursts, i have an interesting looking as close to swirl as the site would let me, im have a neato allmost jem looking guitar, now how do i save it and post the picture on this forum, also where did u get that monkey grip and incorporate it, its all i need to complete my virtual les paul


  8. After much thought, this neck off my mako project aint worth saving, i might someday refrett the thing just for the experience to learn how to do it, but i would like to put this thing together and make some noise, so I need a decent strat style neck, the neck pocket is is standard strat dimenson, i measured it, so just about any neck thats able to fit a strat will work, lemme know what you guys have, i would rather help one of you guys or girls out before i try to get something off ebay, thanks so much


  9. I also have done well with http://www.wdmusic.com go to thier dirt cheap products section, that is basically parts from overseas guitars. And I also frequent http://www.customshopguitars.com they have some decent deals too from time to time. If you dont want to hassle with the ebay buying thing. http://www.nashguitars.com I have done buisness with them once. Thats the only places I have done buisness with other than ebay when it comes to online stuff. Krazy Kat Music is THE place to stop if your ever in San Antonio Tx. USA Check em out. Happy surfing. I am sure there are more decent places out there online. Good luck.


  10. Check this guy out, calls him self the Magic Dragon Guitars or something like that, he always has a ton of parts, bodies, necks, knobs, pickups, etc... and usually most of the stuff goes for decent prices, its ebay of course, since he sells with ebay exclusivily, check it out. He has some negatives, but when I dealt with him I did not have any problems and it was exactly what was stated. You usually have to wade through about 9 to 10 pages of stuff, the bodies and necks are sparse as he usually has tons of knobs, screws, plates, etc... listed, but they are there, the best thing is they are always painted and ready to go, necks are always finished and ready to go. Give it a look. Hope this helps. By the way, he always has stuff on ebay.


  11. quick thought, they are trying to entice people with the word proto type, but its just a standard production model, never the less, its a nice looking instrument, and if its made in japan from that famous ibanez/fender factory, its gotta be decent, hmm im thinking like you, for 149 why not.

  12. Ok let me get this straight, first link you posted takes me to a page that says its a ibanez factory built essex by the anboy name, it has a 149 dollar price tag and theres a shopping cart box with the number 1, then you click on that and it allows you go higher in the numbers as if theres more than 1 available, but they make it sound like a one of a kind with the word proto type, but never use the word one of a kind, also seeing one on ebay at the same time as the one on the first link, makes me belive that this is not a one of a kind, but a proto type that they still have available, so i guess the guy on ebay thought well hell for 149 might as well take a chance and try to unload this thing for almost double, hmm, i would try to get yours for 149 off that first link as i belive that theres more of them out there, damnit if i did not have that project mako im wanting to fix up i would try it out, hell maybe for 149 i can put the mako on hold, well at least thats my take on it, its not a one of a kind, for 149 it cant be, theres gotta be more of em

    what do you guys think


  13. Got screwed by a guy on Ebay way back when, sent the money, never got my stuff, he was long gone by then, had posted about a 100 things, like only a few hours right after he first signed up with ebay, in those days not many people had feedback as it was a fledgling website, not many people were even aware of it, basically took our personal checks cashed them, then gave us a sad sob story about his grandma dying or something, thats why he hadn't mailed out his stuff yet, etc etc finally after much complaining to ebay they checked it out, dude had split or never lived where he said he was at, turns out they traced some of the computer accesses via ip addresses and it was public libraries, etc... , since then that and other similar scams, they have come along way with thier policing policies and ebay payments, etc... people got smart, should have never sent personal check either, still dont know how he cashed them, they never found him, good luck with your getting the bastard, i know how it feels, and ebay now really frowns on fruad and will try and help ya out, just give em time, they are not the fastest people on the block when it comes to that, hopefully since my trouble, they have improved it much, i have successfully done buisiness with others on ebay and been overjoyed with them, so dont give up on it yet. good luck


  14. "On the 12th fret, play for me " "but yoda, im not sure wich one that is ......" "hhmmmmh ...... padawins" :D

    umm, better have the force with you if your a gotta look at the fingerboard kinda person, that would be me, dude this boba fett guitar is awesome


    and they make it look like its heavily discounted on that site but they mark up the supposedly MSRP to make it look like its a great deal, technically, its probably not worth it, besides, I wouldnt want to play it and wear out the fingerboard, so why spend so much on a wall hanger, thats my two sence, it does look kick ass however, my hats off to the creators.


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