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Posts posted by jeremywills

  1. its sad, they are saying that on ebay already just a few hours after the shuttle break up someone is posting parts of that shuttle up for auction as souveniours, excuse my french, un****ingbeliveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sorry

    its sad, damn those people, how horrible, and please dont post a link to it, i dont even want to see it, ill take the news word for it, im sure of it, damnit i hate greedy people like that, not only is that theft of stolen "federal property" thats part of history, and someones grave, ok im going to shut up now

  2. Ill try and get pics up as soon as I can of the affected area, I have a beautiful sonata jumbo acoustic guitar that i suspect the neck is going bad, its starting to warp at the neck joint, right now the relif is not so bad that its unplayable, but slowly the strings are getting closer to the hump, very much so that im not sure if its the truss rod or what, i carefully took a popsicle stick and cut it length wise the same size width the saddle slot is to shim the bridge up and raise the strings over the hump, but slowly the neck is bowing, any suggestions as to what else i should do, i would love to try and save the guitar, its very pretty, lots of abalone inlay in it, ill get pics up as soon as i can



  3. well, i have played some peaveys and some olp and for the price, quality, etc... i think the olp is just as good as the peavey, i have even suspected at times with the way musical mass manufacture is these days that the peavy/olp is probably made in the same place under the same roof by the same people, and the olp being cheaper given the same quality, i would say the olp if your after that eddie looking guitar, the wolfgangs are nice, dont get me wrong but i think id talk to vwall about a olp if i ever decided i wanted wolfgangish/axish guitar and thanks for fixing the poll

  4. dude, i voted for all ot them, hehehehe like you left us no choice, ok im being a oopsie, this is a family site, cant say that one hehehe, no seriously, I still think I gotta stick with my fender strat, its tried true and proven, for a budget, or a beginner, cant go wrong with a squier, that was my first guitar as I am sure many others on here probably started out with a squier, and then progressed to a epiphone les paul, didnt like it once I had it and really sat down with it, but I thought boy to play metal, that was my I wanna distort the crap outta the sound and play nothing but metal phase and the set neck/humbucker les paul im going to play metal only phase wore off once I realized how uncomfortable it was in my hands, since then I have tried others and the strat and stratish guitars fit my small size and build quite nice, but I still think anything fender (mex/japan) or a squier is the way to go for a value guitar, its a time tested instrument and its still around, look at all these other guitars that have gone by the wayside, fenders still hanging around very much strong and alive, btw, I agree with Bill and would love to have a OLP as I am a big

    Eddie fan who thinks the guitar just looks damn cool and the OLP would be the next best thing to an actual MusicMan one, im sorry but Peavey just dont do anything for me, thats my 2 cents on the subject

  5. hmm, and the first guitars i noticed in the first pic is the non ibanez ones, and the second pic, I see right off the bat, A BASS!!!! and then right away after that a Fender 12 string strat, not to mention a les paul or 2 and a tele, and a I think way in the back a Ukelele, i think thats how u spell that, and then after I have taken a look again, I discover the 7 stringer you talked about, but Never ever a green strat with a Monkey grip, Im still puzzled "STEVE VAI owning something other than an Ibanez" wow, who have thunk that one B):D:D well for an electric, I would have expected acoustics and hollowbodied electrics, I would have figured Ibanez ones too, but I was surprised, even the Fender resonator stood out, but I have yet to eye that damned green strat!!!!! For the love of god why B):D:DB) (sad sobbing kicks in here)


  6. is it a precision bass styled epi or more like the sg or ripper bass, i know of a person with a precision copy epi bass for sale, the body is beat up bad and the pickups/hardware are all been around the block a couple of times but the necks in pretty good shape, guy wants 150 for it, i can talk to him if you like if interested, im afraid 150 is gonna be his limit, it is a complete functional bass, but just a fyi for you


  7. i have seen em here on Music 123's webpage, they are 58 bucks there, I have never seen one in a shop myself, but then I never really have seriously looked at the bag as all my guitars have come with hardshell cases, good luck, happy hunting for one, check with brian or vwall, or LGM guitars on the forum here


  8. i was looking at japanese made fenders on ebay and ran across this Fender Talon. Has anyone ever heard of these. It looks alot like an Ibanez like guitar to me, with the aanj and headstock being a non fender peghead, anyways just wondering if anyone knew anything about these, not that im going to bid or anything, but just curious, thanks


  9. Hmmm,

    sounds like bill and i are on the same wavelength, sounds really close to what I would like, but I love the jumbo frets, and good ol maple, no rosewood or pau ferro for me, other than that, what he said, i have always thought it would be cool to some how cut the wood so that a pickguard thick veneer from that exact body could be made so that when replaced, the grain matched perfectly, wow reading his description was almost like what i have had in my head for a while now

    so what he said

  10. Dude, try this out 2, www.ax84.com its a site with lots of info about building your own project amps, surely someone there can help you out, i visit that site all the time and some day im going to attempt to build my own amp, best of luck


  11. hmm, i might be willing to pay for a host for everyone, theres several that dont cost much more than about 10 bucks a month, i have www.jeremywills.com already and the domain registar im with has some good hosting options that i could use, i have been wanting a place to host my own stuff off and wouldn't mind allowing everyone else to utilize it, we shall see, i dont know, maybe we shall see, if anyones interested in sharing a host or something, im open to that 2, we could name the domain www.projectguitarsamples.com or something, yes no maybe, lemme know


  12. while i cant speak personally for them, i was discussing this matter with a buddy of mine and spoke highly of this card Terratec EWX24/96 and had considered getting one himself, again im just going off what he had told me, he had utilized someone elses and really liked it. Compared to the SB Live cards its not that much money, but I have always just used the creative ones.

    Best of Luck with it.

  13. http://www.geocities.com/goose_topgun99/guitar.txt

    go to that link, the second persons tab has only the rythm for over the solo, he/she claims its that its a free solo, hopefully this is something you havent found yet, i dug out the cd and listened to it a few times, then i tried to tab it out myself, but im not that good at listening by ear, i need some thing in front of me, i tried several places too and had no luck, sorry i tried, best of wishes to ya and ill keep looking, maybe someone on one of my newsgroups will come up with something


  14. yea, i would suggest some small wood dowels for filling the holes, they work wonders, and like he said, shorter the screws the better, other than that, there should be no other major problems that i can think of, if you dont want to use dowels in the neck then just some wood glue and some toothpicks will work to fill the holes too, i usually drop a few drops of glue in the hole to be filled, drop 3 toothpicks in, break em off so thay they are flush to the bottom of the neck and let it dry and that would take care of it, but i would use dowels for the body holes to be filled, just be careful as a aanj in my opinion is ok, but the neck heel and placement of the bolts in it are they key to a strong joint, you dont want your neck shifting any, thats why i would definately fill those holes to help keep the interrgrity, but thats my opinion, maybe someone else on here will know more, :D good luck


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