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Posts posted by IWishICouldShred

  1. "The guitars are painted ebony and then rubbed with red filler; a satin lacquer coat completes the unique stained finish, showcasing the grain and allowing the wood to breathe." (From the site)


    What materials would I need to do this, and what steps would I go through? Can it be done with any other woods? Can I do it in green?


  2. suede ones bother me because theyre too grippy and they make my shirt move, so i use whatever standard cheapo ones i find. i only have straplocks on my stage guitar because... well... i'm lazy. :D

  3. step one- turn amp up

    step two- stand next to it

    this will give you a more high pitched, atonal feedback, as compared to the residual string vibrations method whic gives you a harmonic feedback vaguely reminiscent of an ebow. (do what streamline said to get that one)

  4. yeah cause we put the new stop-piece sort of far back on this old guitar i've been working on, so that holes from the original flat-mount trem dont show. Anyway, it looks really nice and the intonation is oddly enough perfect. I was worried about it staying in tune but ive decided i have no worries there, it stays in tune pretty well.

    horrible cutaway though.,.. even though its an SG shape! :D definitely not the right guitar for a scallop job lol

  5. hey man its declan (rebelw/outacord) from UG

    are you guing to front rout it and do the pickguard thing like in those pics? it'd be pretty cool to do it back-routed so you can show off more of that finish

    the sustainer and the floyd should give you some interesting sounds.

    btw- do you plan on doing any custom stuff with your washburn?

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