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Posts posted by BigG1986

  1. to shift this over slighty from vavles what fwould you do to increase the volume out of a solidstate line 6 spider amp with 100w - 2-12' 8ohm tubetone speakers with LM3886TF amp chip finals????

    if you got the juice to run it you can double up the chip.

    would the chip handle that?? and how would i do it??

  2. quick hammering tip if u dont have a brass hammer to hand place a bit of mdf on the fret and hit the mdf it will stop it dinting, well it works for me anyway ma mate tried it and they still dinted but not as much(hes a mupet though), good job on the body btw!!! but the neck is the hardest and most important part if u ask me i dont even attept to make them i buy the blanks an put em together

    Edit: Spelling

  3. on a explorer body i just cut i was thinking could i get formica (like that kitchen worktop wood/material) with an art print to glue on the top, if so where can i get it from coz it would mean i could have a more intricte design thats hard wearing and cut down on painting???

  4. i definatly agree planet wave cable are the way to go i changed all mine to them about 10months ago what a differance i never normally bother about cable, cables are cables to me but there definetly if an improvment in planet waves, the best thing is when my bass player keeps trippin on them i doesnt make any noise like some of my old ones did

  5. i use the rattle can method on mine 5 coats of clear do me as its only one coulor but then again i stripp mine every year and do it another coulor, but thats just ma project strat, when i wanti nice new paint job on ma gibson explorer its down the local car-re-sprayer and hes does a fanstastic job probably the best shine i've seen and its only away for 5 days and £60 is all for him to work his paint voodoo, i reckon thats probably he best method unless you'r gonna do a lot of guitar then its worth investin in the gear to get it right yourself but as i learnt it takes a lot of practise on lots of spare wood!!

  6. these lw's run on a 9v source, so could i put in a emg sa in the mid with the duncan lw's or an emg kfk set with an emg sa.

    i really wanna go for active pick ups and i like haveing 3 just for variation, i play a mix of metal, classic rock, rock 'n' roll, funk and acoustic, so i really want a good variation

  7. Me Again im now looking to change ma pickups in my strat i want Seymour duncs LW-Must Live Wire Dave Mustain Pups in my neck and bridge, but what should i put in the middles i was thinkin of the lipstick tube but ive heard u cant mix passives and actives, I though i might aswell put these in as im also gonna put p/p/pots in for the tone and use then to phase th neck and bridge, so any suggestions for the middle and what would be good to mix with the hb's lemme know

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