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Posts posted by unclejsripple

  1. The mental pictures you all (sorry, John... "Y'all") have shared of Uncle Johnny are spot on. Exactly what he wrote like, that was who he was. I cannot tell you all how much I learned from him and (now that all I can do is look back on it) how increasingly reverent I am when reviewing our shared times... I will share with you all a portion of the eulogy I was honored to deliver at his service, because I know how much a part of his life this all was. And I know he had mentioned Lovekraft to me a few times - many condolences to his family, friends & ripples as well.

    You know well the whole town would want this opportunity to be here... and aren't we the lucky ones? For to feel the pain of the loss we share means that we have had the gift of his presence in our lives; to feel the hole inside we all share means that we have known and loved another worth knowing and loving; to hurt and to grieve and to mourn and ask why means we are alive, we are able to feel, and all systems are okay.

    This is not supposed to be easy... it wouldn't mean anything if it was.

    The hands of That Greater do not measure by what is left undone; incomplete projects, unrealized plans or uncounted pennies. We do that because that’s what we see from our perspective. What matters is what you have done, whose hearts you have touched, how much beauty you have created and dispersed. If we are to be judged by our actions and ripples, John is to be judged by wood art, songs, his impact on our lives, and the strength of his character. By this measure, three men cannot fill the shoes of Uncle Johnny... that's why it hurts. It's a wound. It will take time to heal. We would be nothing without our scars...

    ...No opportunity to make light of anything or inject humor of questionable taste into any situation, so far as I saw, ever snuck by John Kirtland. He set every one of us up for a spike or punch line at least once, and we can all rest easy (and John can rest in peace) knowing he will be at every party and gathering ever where anybody who ever knew him is there. There are that many stories to tell...

    ...But what I really learned from Uncle J is that if you want your life to mean something, if you want to do justice to this gift we have of consciousness, skin, bone, and sunrises, make what ever you do mean something and don't waste your time on trivial stuff that does not. Don't get hung up in the drama; don't let it stick to you. Toss your pebbles into the pond... make ripples. Make your footprints your prayer, make them big enough so others can fall into step. Lead from the front even when it looks like you're kicking back on the side... and leave your heart prints on other people's souls.

    Help each other to heal, and your healing will take care of itself.

    Thanks again to you all for sharing all you have shared with Uncle Johnny. ~Scott

  2. To feel the loss means we've had the blessing of something great in our lives... every hole inside is a part of our journey and a chance to fill it with goodness. Pick out a 3-chord country song with 4 chords in it, have a cold one on a hot day, and fill the world with beauty you have invested yourself in... especially wood and music... and you will be saying all that needs to be said about Uncle Johnny. We come, we go; those seeds and ripples along the path are what matters. I find joy in this hurt because I know I have known one worth hurting over. What a blessing... I'm still here and there's still wood to carve. Peace, ~Scott

  3. Hi I'm Scott, a good friend of Uncle Johnny's ("Unclej") here in Wimberley, TX. I know he loved this board... he died suddenly the night of Jan. 10th. John was a friend and mentor, a real go-to guy. Thanks to this forum and all on it who conversed, sparred, exchanged, and anything else with him - he loved every minute of it. Wimberley will never be the same, I will never be the same, and my guitar company Birdsong can be considered a ripple of this man who truly showed me how to work with the wood. Peace be with you all, hope you have a great new year, and carve a shaving for Uncle Johnny Kirtland. ~Scott Beckwith, just one ripple of a great stone of a man.

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