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Posts posted by lespaul6767

  1. i was going to use a zr trem a while back on an explorer i am building,but after looking into it the rout needs to be very precise and it scared me a bit,plus the trem itself is very expensive,so i ended up using the kahler 7300...which works muych the same way,but it mounts on top of the guitar with only a small rout just 1" deep...

    i don't know if the 7300 is an option for you...but you might look at it


    if not,check with scott at www.vwallguitars.com (i think that is right...it might be vwall.com)he can order the zr trem(he quoted me a price on one at that time)and he is very dependable

    but from what i understand,the rout on the zr is completely different from the edge...

    is this guitar one you are building from scratch or just modding?

    i`m looking to build it from scratch

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