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Winston O'Boogie

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Posts posted by Winston O'Boogie

  1. yeah... i was thinking that whatever foam/felt i use would probably be a little too thick to cover the walls with... so i think i'm gonna hit the area with a little black before i lay the foam down...

    could i just use a little flat black krylon or something? i will definitely watch for overspray too...

    westhemann--what kind of paint do you use to brush-on?

    thanks for all your help, everyone...

  2. thanks, that definitely did help... i'm gonna try to find some thin adhesive foam and go to town... any ideas on how to handle the bare basswood walls of the cavity? i don't have a compressor/spray gun so i have to rely on the infamous rattlecan (not so bad because paint hardness doesn't quite matter as much in the trem cavity)... and i guess i should stick to polys because that's what the rest of the guitar is finished with?


  3. hey all...

    i have a warmoth basswood body that came already finished (i believe they use urethane?). it was always routed for a floyd setup but i had a pro friend rout it for a recessed floyd setup--so now the recessed area is all naked basswood, so to speak and i'm just figuring out what to do with it. i'd like to paint it a separate solid color maybe but it's really tight in there so i'm not sure how i would wetsand and buff and all that other good stuff in there. has anyone ever finished only their trem rout? any suggestions on how to go about it?


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