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9of7 X 3of2

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Posts posted by 9of7 X 3of2

  1. ....Thanks 9of7 for posting this, you might have really helped me out........

    No problem Drak, after hanging out here for a bit I've come to notice that everyone loves pics of unuiqe instuments.

    Plus somewhere in the Guitar body chat section, someone asked about doing this sort of thing to make his/her BC Rich Beast, to make it more comfortable to play.

    I've been wanting to do this sort of thing to a warlock for some time, but with no tools and skills, well you get the picture. I've only been able to picture the outcome / methods in my head. And to see it done, pretty close to what I was thinking of was pretty neat.

    If and when you do this Drak, PLEASE return the favor and POST PICS!!!!

  2. if it's what you want to do...set your mind to it & never settle for less

    it happens slowly, that's why i still have a day job...but as your competance in your craft progresses it will happen!

    Thanks for the kind words Daddy Ray :D I definately plan on doing it as soon as I have the spare cash for power tools and enough wood to make my mistakes on. I got a space to do my building and crafting, I got the time, and best of all, I got acess to the advice and knowledge that's in this forum. I just pretty much lack the money (credit card debt) to get up and running.

    I know alot of people in this forum make guitars just for fun, which I'm sure its a whole lot of fun to do. But to make money at doing something you love to do, is the dream of dreams. Second to winning the lottery anyway.

  3. Your story is quite an inspiration to me. All I've ever done is tech work for friends, and my only payment has been beer or :D

    I've been wanting to build my own for a long time now, got lots of original ideas, but I allways figured that I wouldnt make any money to justify all the work thats needed, and to cover the investment in tools and such.

    I'm very happy for you, and I hope this starts up a trend for you as well!

  4. Somwhere amongst the 17 pages of threads here in the "solid body and bass chat" section, there are at least one thread that goes into detail about using cad software for guitar bodies. There might be two threads, but since I dont use or have cad abilities I didnt pay much attention.

    As far as plans and blueprints, If you make financial contribution to the webmaster, for keeping this site alive, you can get access to secret confidential items that non-contributors dont get. Among these items are drawings / blueprints.

    I hav'nt contributed yet, as x-mas has left me broke, so I dont know for sure if the SG is in their. (there is a thread about this too) But if worse comes to worst, find a music store with a return policy, buy an SG, trace it, make your measuremnts, then return it.

    Sorry I cant be of any real use to you on this subject

  5. The top of the line one (lgxt I believe?) is about $1500+ here.......

    Yeah thats pretty much what they go for here as well. But even at that price, for what your getting with the guitar, is a great deal. Especcially if you need a studio guitar. Their acoustic guitars are incredible, they play just as smooth as an electric. Much respect for Godin!

  6. Baritones are nice, I've been waiting to try one of the MMM1s (mike mushocks sig) but none of the stores around here have them. Sam Ash tells me its a special order. Same deal with the 470XL. But the 470XL is an RG model so I knew what to expect when I bought it online. My only complaint with the 470XL, is that it should have been made from mahogony, not basswood. But oh well life goes on. Perhaps '04 will bring more baritones from Ibanez, they seem to be getting more popular, just about every company makes one now

  7. .....Remember no matter who your guitar hero is whether it be steve vai, steve howe, or steve the guy who plays covers at the local pub, none of them picked up a guitar for the first time and made a masterpeice!

    Right on!!!! I've been palying for about half of my life, have yet to write a masterpeice, still cant read / comprehend sheet music, dont know any of the fancy names for scales. I just play for fun, and for no other reason. If it werent for drums, I wouldnt know what the hell to do.

    As far as the Ibanez catalog goes. I just visit their website, less hassle that way. Anyone know if they're making more baritones?

  8. ..... but I've never played any Ibanez that I consider a keeper.....

    Yeah I totally understand why people dont like them, and I dont get too upset when people bash them. Its all about what your comfortable with.

    And by what I said in the earlier post, was just a feeble attempt at defended Snork's narrow point of view :D

  9. The only reason I like lock nuts is: if you need to raise the action, its easy to unbolt the lock nut and shim it to the desired height. Cant really do that with a clasic nut. but if your building it your self, that probobly wont be an issue.

    But with a tremolo and a regular nut, depending on how much you like to whammy, what gauge strings you use, and the type of nut, the strings can cut down the nut like a file.....Food for thought

  10. Whats up all ?!?!?!?

    I figured since I was a guest here for 2 days and a member for 3 days, it was about time I introduced myself. Didn’t mean to be rude by waiting so long to make a post, I’ve been too preoccupied going through all of the other posts in this forum, picking up all the information, tips, and tricks that have been littered all over this site. Kind of like the guy you see on the side of the highway with the orange vest and the pointy stick.

    I’ve never built a guitar from scratch yet, cant wait to give it a try. I’m more of a “make the cookie cutter guitar look, play, and sound better by any means necessary” type of guy. The only other thing I have to say is I think it’s beyond awesome how all of you are so supportive of each other, and how much you’re willing to help people that don’t know a ferrule from a ferret. And on that note, I need to find where I laid down my orange vest and pointy stick.

    Hey Brian, the fret pullers have officially rocked the house!!!

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