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Posts posted by Andronico

  1. Thanks you for your help !

    Westhemann : I´ll try to find thin screws but the originals only have 2.5 mm diameter, I think that would be difficult. What do you think if I use the original screws for metal and put a small piece of metal with thread in the guitar body ? Could work fine ?

    Hector : I´ve made my first draw of the pickup template, this weekend I´ll make it with MDF. You´re right it´s fun :D

    Biliousfrog : thank you for the link about the spring tubing, the material is PVC or rubber ?

  2. Thank you Biliousfrog for your fast reply ! I know that Stewmac sells templates but living in South America I´m not sure about our post office... May be I can obtain a good one in the internet to print it and check with my pickups. About the Fender rubber tubing, I don´t know what it is, have you a picture or link to give me an idea ? I´m planning to mount the pickups from the front of my guitar but the screws that gave me with the PUs are for metal not wood and if I change them to screws for wood I will damage the hole in the pickup used to insert the metal screw. Am I right ? What I have to do ? Use screws for wood or not ? Excuse me if my questions are obvious but this will be my first diy guitar :D

    Thank you again.


  3. Hi, my name is Julián from Argentina. Congratulations this site is wonderful ! :D A lot of information and nice people that wants to help ! :D

    I´m thinking about beginning my first home made guitar and need some information :

    a) I´m looking for a Humbucking pickup template that I can download from internet.

    B) I bought a creap badass bridge like this one :


    I need to know if I have to tilt the bridge like a TOM.

    Thanks for all.

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