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Posts posted by HumanFuseBen

  1. Hey guys!

    Here's the deal… i'm about to get this: http://www.guitar-museum.com/uploads/guitar/117/230284698498-2.jpg

    Its an Ibanez RG520QS. Mahogany body RG, very sweet guitar. It has a thin veneer quilt top on it, which i plan on sanding through down to the bare mahogany. Its transparent blue, which, knowing Ibanez, is probably just a tinted clear they shot on top.

    I am wanting to steal the aesthetic of my buddy's white Les Paul special DC (kinda satin whitewash finish, adding a black pick guard, etc). It looks like this: http://www.mygear.com/img/item_pictures/large/36037.jpg


    its a really cool finish! It is kinda of like a thick see thru white finish. You don't exactly see through it, though… you can just kind of see the pores of the mahogany showing through. it looks killer in person. It is satin, not gloss.

    How would i go about doing this? I assume i will start with either sanding the blue finish off, or using a stripper to do the bulk of the work for me. But considering i WANT the grain pores, what do i need to do there? I assume the body was grain filled before the finish was shot, so i will need to un-fill them, if that makes sense! WHats the best plan there?

    and then, how could i get a finish like that white?

    Thank you all so much for the help. This board is the best.

  2. I am working on an Ibanez RG7620 right now, and my goal is to basically end up with a 7 string Rg550RFR. I already have a sweet maple boarded neck for it and everything!

    I need that wicked neon red in my life. I'm not going to be ultra picky about 100% matching the classic Ibanez Road Flare Red.... as long as it is that wild, reddish orange flourescent eye-melting red, i'll be happy!

    I have a buddy who paints cars and does clear for a living, so i have access to high quality equipment for spraying. Let me know if you know of any good places to get some ULTRA bright neon paints!

  3. Hey guys! i do some swirling on the side, and i've been reading up on how a lot of dudes do their clearcoats on top. Typically, after i swirl the guitars, i pass them along to my brother who clears them with a 2k clear at his shop. But i read something written by the infamous Patrick Sims recently on an old Jemsite post, and he mentions using a "polyester sealer" on top of his swirls before he clearcoats them. He says the polyester sealer can be laid down super heavy and thick, which dries rock hard and can be sanded down flat to hide surface irregularities, making a MUCH flatter surface to clearcoat on top of.

    That makes sense to me to do. My brother has often complained about how much clear you have to put on these things before you can start leveling them out and making them look smooth; the sealer means that you'd be starting with a good flat surface to work with.

    Does that make sense to you guys? Anybody have a clue what product he could be talking about?

    I googled Polyester Sealer and found a product that sounds about right.... super thick, crystal clear, rock hard. It says you can apply it with a brush, rag, or roller. Does that sound right?

  4. Hey guys! I have a body i am going to swirl paint that has some decently big chunks missing from the wood around the input jack. i don't quite know what happened to it, but it almost looks like maybe it was dropped while a cable was plugged in and it took some of the wood with it. ouch.

    anyway, what is the best and most stable thing i could patch that up with before repainting? thanks!

  5. Hey guys!

    i have heard of a lot of people using leather dye to ebonize rosewood, but has anyone ever tried black india ink for the same task? i have an ibanez that has a very light reddish brown board, and i've always been partial to darker shades myself.

    the only thing i am concerned about is the amount of water in the ink causing some mischief with the frets. anything to be worried about?

  6. so i just called every hardware place around here and nobody carries grain filler. lame. :D

    also, i did a google search on grain filling, and i saw some people on the warmoth boards talking about using super glue as a grain filler on ash. i have never done this before, but it seems to make sense. are we talking the same super glue that you use in the little tubes? or is this something different? and how is it applied? seems too goopy and sticky to brush on.

  7. That pretty well sums it up! i have a Tele body that i am going to swirl next. the other swirls i have done have all started with a preexisting finish that i have just scuffed down them primed over, which has turned out great!

    this is the first time i've started from the bare wood, though. do i need to use a few coats of sanding sealer before i start priming the body white for the swirl? or will it be alright just to sand the body smooth, then prime a few coats on that?

    thanks guys!

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