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Posts posted by eightwgt

  1. Brian - For a beginner - am I better off with a bolt on neck ???

    Im a little concerned about how wavy the grain is in the mahogony.... its real stout but wavy......I got it from a bow builder who had had it for years......

    Im not too worried about the wood working part...... I have some pretty good tools including a CNC Router I designed and built (http://www.inshorepowerboats.com/cnc%20stuff/CNCROUTER.htm) You can see above it the cedaqr strip canoe I built.....

    I am mainly concerned as are most with the neck and getting the frets right etc.....

    Is it a bad idea to laminate a nek ? I was thinkin about ripping the Mahogany, and putting a strip of maple I have right down the middle.... BUT will that effect anything - is this good or bad ??

  2. Hey guys... Im new to the forum - my first post.

    Being that Im pretty handy with wood I decided Id like to make an elec guitar... nothing too fancy - basic fender, Ibenez, LesPaul....whatever design.... I have not played in a long time and like to get back into it....

    Anyway I am simply looking for good advice where to start... I have read a lot on various internet sites a;ready and wondering about :

    Through neck or bolt on ?

    Fret board wood ?

    Fret board radius ?

    Neck - solid piece of wood VS laminated

    I have 2 mahaogany blanks 1" X 3" X 36" grain is beautiful (a little wavy) wood very seasoned.... thinkin about using one for neck, perhaps laminating a strip of maple down center ??

    Thats basically it....... One more thing....... If I keep it simple.....How much can I expect to spend on hardware - remember - Im not trying to build anything fancy hardware wise.... just something thats decent and sounds good.

    Thanks guys......

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