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Posts posted by Petrol

  1. As above, only pay heed if they can send official e-mails, from there official adress, and explain what laws they can use. If they can't explain or show you what your doing in a proper legal way, then theyr'e BSing. E-mail them, ask them for a full legal explanation as to what they can and are threatening to do, but I bet it doesn't even exsist.

    Whatever, if i were you I'd be tempted to make a "Moser-sucks-ass-o-caster" next, not a copy, but not something they'll like much. Seriously, just remember that at the end of the day, if they are gonna chase you down, you have a huge amount of support here, and instead of merely putting one person of Moser for life, theyr'e aggrovating a lot more who sympathise with you!

  2. Does anybody have any idea on how we can cut down on the amount of spam cropping up? If anyone knows anything it may save us a little trouble. Thanks for the heads up, if I see any without a "reported" bit in it, I'll do so.

    A small, obvious suggestion I guess is to never click on anything in the thread, any link. ALthough it may not only be harmful, I suspect (and have no idea if this is possible, but it wouldn't surprise me) that if they recieve any links from a board, they can track this, and subsequently post more junk here as they think they can get more linkage, so we become a target. However, i don't know this, merely a hypothesis. Could be the other way round, so :D


  3. At the end of the day you had the courtesy to reference your sources. You stated what you were doing, you have not ripped off his guitar.

    If worst came to worse and they could do something, you would be told "Ether stop/don't sell the guitar or you will go to court and here is full proof" not idle "Hey! You copied me!" Playground talk.

    I wouldn't change it tbh, just stand your ground. You make truly wonderful instruments, it's just professional jealousy. At the end of the day, your reference your sources and don't seek to rip things off, enough aspects are different from that guitar and if I recall, on yourse you had the idea of integrating the curve into the headstock (if this wasn't on "Moser the pousers" original, if it was then I'll shut up now :D)

    So, ultimately don't get too stressed. A little bit of friendly dialogue would be good, to try to calm the guy down, but be warned that he is protecting his financial intrests first, not necessarily with anything he can back up. So, take what he says with a pinch of salt. Keep posting back here, as the advice of many is better than that of few.

    EDIT: Small little question, how did you do your mirror top? Their literally stick a mirror to the top of the guitar it seems, but how did you work it, get it to shape and what did you glue it down with? I'd love to try something similar myself- just don't sue me!

  4. This is music, things don't obselete if people like it. Pickup guitars have many years left, unless some very influential musicians take the new fangled technology, give the world something new, and create a market for it.

    I love trying new things, but I can't see conventional pickups dying. How old are the designs for LP's and fender instruments? Hardly new, but still so common and popular.

    Wonderful, I'm curious as to how the mirror finish is achieved though.

  5. The music isn't my thing at all. However, the video is very well produced, and I agree, maybe a bit more live performance would be nice from my nuetral perspective. Very well made film though, fits nicely, better than I initially expected!

    to be honest, the overiding thing I felt watching that video was severe shock at seeing the guitarist with red LP spin his instrument around him and the head towards the floor- I feared a headstock caualty!!!

    Those are my very limited thoughts, sorry I can't be more constructuve.


  6. Originally quoted by jmrentis

    You should think about doing some crazy staining on the back to color your goat, that way people can see it through your eyes

    A hellish orange stane, maybe a burst or something to make the demon goat stand out lol would be AWESOME!!!

    After all, it's not everyday you get a goat cropping up in your maple haha!

    Lovely guitar whatever you decide to do with it!!! :D


  7. I may not have built a guitar before (though intend to attempt to soon) but it's clear opinion is divided into several camps here.

    First you have the "Don't run before you can walk" school, which is fine, and where I sit myself. Keep it simple, plan, and if you do things without haste and for a first attempt make something simple (No triple neck with a fanned fret nine string, 12 string and bass) and have the motivation, then it will turn out well hopefully.

    The second school is the if you plan it, then try something a little tricky- after all, you don't learn without attempting something. This is true, and cool enough- but not fool proof (as a professional fool, it doesn't suit me!) but for people who have some woodwroking experience and who are hell bent on making only ever one guitar, a great option.

    Then there's the lazy school of just buy one and do some routing. Personally, yes, you could and it would be easier. But, doing from scratch allows you to fiddle with other stuff like headstock shape, finish etc. which you want to be unique from the ground up.

    Ultimately, I think it's better building- if you enjoy building and are after a really unique axe that would normally be a custom job. If, however, you just love a plain, simple, strat with no bells or whistles and hate woodwork, then buy that. It's always your choice, and it's always a matter of preference. My thoughts are that buy building guitars you learn many useful skills that can be applied to other aspects of woodworking, painting and design, you have to create a hybrid design which must seemlessly integrate artistic elegancy and technical functionality. Few people can combine scientific and artistic creativity, originallity and function. This is one of the few hobbies that can.


  8. Yeah, sorry if I have offened anyone- I respect both Stach and Hendrix equally. Yes, I know Hendrix overdosed and I don't support or condone drug use- but the man was a genius with 6-strings, and Satch is too. When it comes to the national anthem, Greg P summed up my thoughts on that.

    And sorry if the "Autowah" was misdefined, it is a more subtle wah than I'm used to hearing and at a casual listen does sound like one. Also, I'm not a shredding pro or amazing guitarist by a loooong way, so my opinions aren't formed with musch musical critique- merely what I like. We can all form opinions on what we like and don't- rock rules, pineapple pizza sucks (seriously, how you can eat pineapple on a pizza!!!)

    And back on topic, the shape of wyldes guitar is BAD, seriously, it's uglier than my face when I peel it from the carpet on a Sunday morning :D

  9. I will say in his defense though, that being asked to play SSB at a ports event he was probably given a brief to keep it to a certain length and not deviate off in wild paths, so effectively, even if he had the coolest thing ever planned, they'd still just want a basic rendition. He gave 'em what they probably wanted, not what the inner guitarist in all of us wants though :D

  10. Did somebody mention Satch autowah? :D

    Personally, I think with Hendrix's spontaneous Woodstock version, with it's timing, power and slightly cynical feeling for the listener in the context of vietnaam, it will probably never be topped.

  11. Heh, looks like eclipse paint has found good use on guitars before- and in particular, on James Hetfield's very own axe!

    Lime Green eclipse axe

    Proof that they can be used, and a demonstration of why I wish I could afford some...

    EDIT: Turns out Vai has one done in some kind of copper effect, pictures unavailable through Alsa though- anyone seen or heard of this before?

    Celebrity Project page (Vai at bottom)

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