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some questions about black ice circuitry

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hey Iam working on an offset flying-V and iam thinking of doing somthing new with my electronics and I found the BLACK ICE mini passive guitar overdrive and Iam woundering how it works what are the pros and cons of this system. the pickup iam going to use puts out 20K ohms so its a hot one what will this do for system and with it replacing the tone capacitor will my tone still function the same way or not dumb question maybe but I don't know much about electronics.



Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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hey Iam working on an offset flying-V and Iam just starting and iam thinking of

doing somthing new with my electronics and I found the BLACK ICE mine passive guitar overdrive and Iam woundering how it works what are the pros and cons of this system. the pickup iam going to use puts out 20K ohms so its a hot one what will this do for system and with it replacing the tone capacitor will my tone still function the same way or not dumb question maybe but I don't know much about electronics.



there is already a thread on this in the electronics section...

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SH@$#%T :D Sorry I did not think of that il take a look thanks Gnome!!

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Gnome Iam having a hard time finding the thread on this could you show me the way? :D I tryed a few Searches and came up with nothing!!



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Thanks Gnome Ill take a look and if it dosent help I will keep this one going B)


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I think I will keep this one going just to get all the info I can :D thanks for the help

Gnome and that link did help some!!

Edited by !!METAL MATT!!
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Now then any one out there have any info tips hints to share with me B)


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The black ice overdrive circuit is basically a pair of diodes that clip your guitars signal. I'll try to dig up a schem.

Edit: See the link above. It is for an effect project that combines an offboard tone control, the black ice overdrive (switchable from the tone control) and a vintage cable sim. You are interested in the 250K pot and the two schottky diodes. The black ice works much better with higher output pickups, as it is completely passive, it relies on the juice your pickups feed it, which ain't much.

If you need any basic electronics help, I suggest the faq over at aron's stompbox forum

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