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motherbuckers, as hot as they claim?


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ive been reading up as much as i can about motherbuckers.

until today id never heatd the name before but i was quickly intregued after lots of sales talk about how these things can peel paint off the walls.

especially a certain type of motherbucker that has four coils in one humbucker, with blades on the surface. sometimes they are recommened as a neck and bridge pickup set, yet the four coil model boasts it can be placed at the bridge and can be wired in 8 different combinations making it a force to be reconned with.

this pickup looks great, yet i can only get information from sellers who always claim they're product is "the best around".

what i really want to know is:

1) is this product really the muts nuts when it comes to a powerful high gain bottom end sound.

2) how much better is the 4 coil compared to say, a three coil or just a double humbucker set?

thanks for any info. :D

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First of all. There is no certain type of Motherbucker with four coils in one humbucker and blades. That is the Motherbucker and there is no other type (if your refering to Kent Armstrong's Motherbucker). My guitar is fitted with a Motherbucker in the bridge (the best place for it) and it is really good. Mine has a powerful sound nad I can happily recommend this pickup. But at the end of the day, as with any pickup choice, it depends on what music your going to be playing etc. The Motherbucker also gets anazing harmonics too by the way.

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it is indeed the kent armstrong motherbucker i was refering too, its just when i type in motherbucker on search engines im getting all sorts of stuff.

im looking for a powerful gain with very dirty bottom end sound (oo-er). good harmonics optional, so this pickup sounds exactly what im after, but i wanted to get in some research before i handed over the cash, i know next to sod all about pups.

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my mates just fitted one in the guitar he's built... its very umm... metal... its got a real chuggy sound, like metallica megadeth type music... great if you do a lot of palm mute and heavy chords, drop D style music... I would imagine it really sucks for anything clean or even slightly distorted...

but i cant confirm as I picked it up and ripped out Seek and Destroy... lol, it sounded awesome through his POD and into a beefy 5.1 stereo system :D

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