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Curtis P

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Hey, I have been writing a song the past couple weeks since my computer has been gone, but since its back, i finally spent 2 hours tonight and tabbed it out in Powertab, just so i wouldnt forget some parts of it.

My question is, I have been writing lyrics for it, but i cant seem to place them in the song, like, i can place them in there, but it just dont sound right, and i dont want to change the songs tempo or anything, i love it how it is, slower, heavy, and a mix of older style and new style, and might i add, a solo (ohh yea, i am gettin better at it)

So, in everyones song writing experiance, should i change the lyrics? or suck it up and change the music (which i dont want to)


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There are thousands of words and millions of ways to say things.

Figure out what message/images fit your music, then write about those things in the allotted time. If you feel you need some help with that, check out the Lyric Writing articles that I have written so far. Maybe they'll help.


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I have tried both ways, and I think it is definitely easier to make the music fit the lyrics instead of the other way around. You gotta start with a vocal hook (which often turns into the chorus) and build it from there.

Find something to write about first (lyrics), then just try singing them along with different chord changes or riffs and something will happen.

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thanks, i have something to write about, and i got a little bit done today, the music is written, and when i played it for some friends, they thought it was killer, and they even said the solo was pretty good (and i suck at guitar, lol)

Thanks for the link


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