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Different Woods In 1 Body Blank

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I was just wondering if anyone has tried using different woods for each half of a body. Like one half Maple and one half Mahogany. I would think that this would be a great way to achive a good combo of sounds associated with each wood. Like instead of having a 1/4-1/2" Maple cap, half the body would be Maple. You think this would work?

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No reason you can't do it. Whether it will create the tone you want is hard to say. It's largely a placebo effect anyway, IMHO.

Something like walnut and maple would look really cool, though. Especially with "zebra" humbuckers, and contrasting pickguard.

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quite a few of the guitars that i make are sandwiched with different woods..i've used walnut front and back with maple in the middle..spalted maple front and back with walnut middle and one of the best sounding guitars that i've ever made was mesquite front and back with oak middle. since i used different pickups on each i can't say how the different combinations would sound with the same pickups. but they were all dense woods and had excellent sustain and brightness.

hope that helps some

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Cracked, you and the repies have me confused. Do you mean different back and front or different wing material on a neck-through? Or just different cap material on each side of the top? Some of these combos have been used with varied results. Please advise.

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Cracked, you and the repies have me confused. Do you mean different back and front or different wing material on a neck-through? Or just different cap material on each side of the top? Some of these combos have been used with varied results. Please advise.

Cool replies everyone! :D :D

Hi doc, what I meant was instead of using two 18" X 7" X 1 3/4" pieces of, say Mahogany glued together side by side to make one 18" X 14" X 1 3/4 body blank, you substitute a piece of maple as one of the halfs.

I thought it would maybe get that sound of a maple capped mahogany body without the trouble of resawing and laminating them on top of one another (thinner pieces of course) ?

Not only that, but I thought it would also be a cool way to combine woods for a certain sound.

It would work, just wondering if anyone has tried it or if you know of any 'big' brands that have 'experimented' with the idea? B)

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