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Strat Body Repair For Vintage Trem

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Have strat body with 6 holes for trem drilled 25 and 3/8s from nut which is to far by 1/8" what is the best remody? I thought of drilling and dowling these holes the cavity is in the right place need some expert help as to wether this would be an acceptable method

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You'd have to fill the holes and redrill them the right distance from the nut. Do you have the cavities drilled too? If so you might want to look up the trem to hardtail conversion on the mainpage.

Ps. If I'm wrong I hope somone with more experience can correct me

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If you need to fill cavities too heres the trem to hardtail conversion article I mentioned earlier http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/tht1.htm . To fill the screw holes I'm not sure what I would do,Im fairly new to all this. I think you could drill the holes out and glue some dowel in there,you might also be able to fill it with broken toothpicks and glue or they might even end up drilled out by the new trem cavities anyway if you play on moving the bridge for proper scale length.

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