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Line 6 Variax Guitar


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hey has anyone seen those line 6 variax gutiars that has a knob with lots and lots of effects? well would anyone know if theres somethign i can put in a guitar to have lots and lots of eefects on a knob also without paying a ton of money? thanks

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There very nice guitars mind you but i dont see them as gig worthy really.. much more suited at home in the studio.. then again Line 6 stuff is always studio worthy :D

hey has anyone seen those line 6 variax gutiars that has a knob with lots and lots of effects? well would anyone know if theres somethign i can put in a guitar to have lots and lots of eefects on a knob also without paying a ton of money? thanks

Yes its possible try looking on google or using the search feature here for onboard effects or something of the like...

I know many guitarists who use onboard effects for there guitars...! For example the guitarist from Muse uses a midi controller for his... giving him all those really cool feedback options...although i beleive (and am probably wrong) that it is very expensive

~~ Slain Angel ~~

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warmoth rout some of their bodies(strat and 1 other I think) for the variax stuff, so you may be able to buy it if you want, hehe ed roman maybe? :D

but im not kidding, ed roman rips guitars up for parts so he probably has the variax gear.

I think warmoth do the work as a Replacement body for the variax though. I dont think line6 sell it to the public not in a guitar.

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I always thought on board effects was a kind of cool idea.

Modelling technology has really come down too. You could easily bulid a sans-amp clone...beheringer have just come out with one for about 50 bucks (see a thread in the players corner here)...into a guitar.

You'd really need to phantom power it though, as it would eat batteries. I'm really excited about something Ansil's been working on in this regard. He appears to have worked out a way of powering things up onboard through the standard guitar lead. This was discussed on the Sustainer Ideas thread recently as it would be a cool way of powering it...but would work just as well for any onboard electronics.

Check this out:

Ansil's Phantom Power Project Scroll down a little!

If you go a step further, there are simple digital effects out there of reasonable quality with some more advanced effects and can be programed. You can use the EQ to simulate different pickup qualities. I've got an old Korg that has a great sitar effect, pitch shifting, delays and a range of other effects plus basic amp and speaker emulation. Something like this or an old secondhand zoom 501 would be pretty cheap and probably not to hard to take apart and re-switch.

All I really want is a delay onboard...but that's me!

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