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Wesley Guitars


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Well the nut was in pretty poor shape, it was actually glued in at an angle and still had glue lines down the side, the pocket was still rough and wasn't straight, and the jack plug made a buzzing noise - so I think it can quite rightly be labelled as junk.

All things that You can fix!!! Does nobody buy a junk guitar to practice on any more? I enjoy taking A pice of crap and Fixing it and reworking it to make it in to something better, It's fun, it keep's my skills fresh, it allows me to try ney things with out fear


I have to agree with you there Matt. I have a couple of cheapy guitars which i pulled apart then rebuilt, just for experience on how things work.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, i'm all for practising on guitars, I have couple of el-cheapo's in the shed that I do the work on, but I honestly feel the wesley guitars are not only extremely poor but very very difficult to make anything useful out of IMHO.

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For the prices Wesley sells guitars for it makes you wonder how much they cost to make. My wood alone for my first project is gonna cost me about as much as some of their guitars get sold for.

Unless you're a bulk manufacturer you can never guage how much a mass produced guitar "should" cost in relation to how much it would cost you to make the same thing.

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For the prices Wesley sells guitars for it makes you wonder how much they cost to make. My wood alone for my first project is gonna cost me about as much as some of their guitars get sold for.

It's all about economies of scale, but you still get what you pay for. If I were looking to buy a guitar to build on, I'd do it with a Squier, which coincidentally is what I did. You can pick up as new Affinity series models on ebay for less than $100 USD and they're not bad starter instruments. Just stay away from the plywood Bullets.

Also, something to consider, is that they don't ship outside of the UK and Ireland. That might make getting one hard.

Remember the Alamo, and God Bless Texas...

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