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Once More Into The Breech

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Zoso: Yeah thats the veritas shoulder plane, can't believe just how handy it is.

whoofnagle: The neck has a 3 degree angle on it. In the "cleaning up the patch" link in my last post you can see the body is shaved from the front of the neck pocket to to the back to allow for the angle.

Nate Robinson :D

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Heh, I'm being forced to do a similar fix on my build...only mine's just the bottom of the pocket, easier to fix...

man, I'll be glad when this thing is over....next thing I'm going to build is a shelf. Just a simple plank of wood...that'll still probably take me three days to do :D

Looking good N8, nice project to follow...

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I know what ya mean Idch, I always feel like there's a mile left to go and no gas to get there when it comes to finishing.

Got the rough carve on the body today.

Matching the body to the neck angle

Template in place for the recurve in the face of the body

Contouring the body - The tools used


Forgot to get pics of the back, but all I did was put matching belly cuts on both sides of the waist. Lots of hand sanding to do now, but first I will mount the neck and carve the heel. That will be tomorrow's task.

Nate Robinson :D

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I'm in the same boat as you, Russ, I'm eager to see it with a little laquer. But there are only two outcomes that I can see.... It will either suck or shine, guess we'll see...

I was a little thrown off by the "interesting carve" comments. I know I left the carve heavier than normal for a PRS by the lower bouts but I thought that was about the extent of the difference. Then I asked my wife what she saw and she started pointing out all kinds of differences (leave it to a woman to tell you what you thought you knew :D:D )

Oh, I completely forgot about the pic for routing the truss rod channel. Here's the setup for that.


I use the same jig for cutting the truss rod channel as I do for leveling the body blank. Gotta love multi function jigs.

Nate Robinson B)

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Set the neck and got the heel partly carved today. Also roughed out the neck carve.

Half done heel

Then slotted the fingerboard as per this tutorial

Frett slotting tutorial

Pic of guitar prior to glueing the neck in


Also routed out for the pups, but camera was dead so no pics yet.

Nate Robinson :D

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Ok, at this point all of the woodwork is done on the body, with the exception of drilling the holes for mounting the bridge and pots. I am waiting for the bridge and pots to arrive before proceeding down that road. I have run across difficulties with the battery in my camera and as such am forced to use my wifes. Unfortunately the resolution of her camera leaves something to be desired. This is the only pic out of 13 that came out worth a damn.


This is a deviation of the general finishing technique. I have sanded the body to 150 grit at this point. I put a light coat of primer on with the sole purpose of sanding it off. While I hesitate to recomend doing this, the reason I do it is that I have a hard time picking out all the minor deffects or blemishes that result from working the wood. In doing this I find it easier to spot blemishes or eradic sanding that I tend to miss, as the blemishes turn up after sanding back to the wood. This, for me, makes spotting those blemishes much easier, though it is an added expense in both money and time. More sanding to come in the next few days, then a real primer coat.

Nate Robinson

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