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thegarehanman last won the day on May 6 2012

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About thegarehanman

  • Birthday 04/06/1987


  • Member Title
    rightfully underappreciated

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    Baton Rouge, Louisiana

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  1. Starting bid price dropped to $500, Buy it now dropped to $950. ~Russ
  2. Hey guys. Earlier this year I got in touch with Helmuth Lemme, author of "Electric Guitar: Sound Secrets and Technology," and had him build me one of his Pickup Analyzers. My intention was to start winding pickups. Well, my focus has shifted a bit, and I never got around to using the Pickup Analyzer. These are rather hard to come by as Helmuth will only build a few a year and he tends to be rather busy, so if this is something you've been drooling over, now's as good a time as any to pick one up. I'm also including a nearly new copy of Helmuth's book along with about $150 worth of various bobbins. I've got it listed on ebay currently with a starting bid of $700 and a buy it now of $999. There's about $1250 worth of stuff there and everything is like new, so it's a pretty good value. Let me know if you've got any questions. http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Lemme-Pickup-Analyzer-with-Helmuth-Lemme-039-s-Book-amp-Tons-of-Pickup-Bobbins-/281478821485? ~Russ
  3. Hey guys. If any of you were itnerested in these but weren't familiar with kickstarter, the project was successfully funded a few weeks back and since then all orders have been filled. I still have a ton of inventory and put up a new site to sell them through. Check out closetguitarhanger.com if you want to pick one up. ~russ
  4. Hey guys. Great news, I decided to reevaluate this kickstarter project and try it again from a different angle. The project got fully funded in only 3 days and it will stay up for another 27 days. If you're interested in checking it out or were thinking about picking one of these up, you can check it out here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1488481841/the-new-closet-guitar-hanger I'm pretty excited about this. I thought it would do better this time around, but I didn't expect quite this result! Thanks for looking. ~russ
  5. I've hung up 3 guitars in a row with about 1" between each and there was no serious concern of them touching as they were removed. The clothing between instruments is a fantastic idea though, very simple and the clothes are there already! Thanks, it's appears that the kickstarter site won't feature projects until they've gotten a decent following on their own. I'm hoping I can get a buzz going in the next few days so that kickstarter will give it a bit more publicity. It's only got 27 days left and if the target isn't reached, they won't be produced. So if you really want one (or more!), you'll want to be sure to get in within that time frame. Regarding the car parts, I design high-end performance parts for hondas, acuras, bmw's, and porsches. Check out hybridracing.com and fastguys.com to see some of my work. ~russ
  6. Thanks mike! I'm hoping to get a house where I can have a new shop in the next year or so. In the mean time, I'm warming myself up with some projects to fund a few builds. If this project succeeds, you may see some hardware projects next! ~russ
  7. Hey guys. It's been a long time since I've been on here. I won GOTM once or twice and submitted a few tutorials to the site years back when I was involved. I had to get out of building when my house got robbed and all of my instruments got stolen. I sold the house to move into a safer apartment while finishing school. Anyhow, I've had the itch to get back into design (related to guitars at least) recently. I'm trying to launch a new project on kickstarter.com here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1488481841/the-closet-guitar-hanger It's a new way to hang your guitar: in the closet. Please check it out. If you like it, share it with friends. If the project reaches its goal, these will go into production, which would be pretty epic! Anyhow, thanks for reading and keep building! ~russ
  8. That's doubtful. I do not build guitars for anyone but myself anymore, and it's been that way for more than a year. Only my closest friends know I build guitars...I don't make it a point to let everyone know. My house was broken into about 3 months prior and a lap top was stolen. This time a playstation was stolen along with the guitars. I suspect it was the same people both times since the police never caught them the first time. I seriously doubt it was anyone who knew me. My neighborhood has gone down the toilet in recent years. About half a mile away is an apartment complex littered with up and coming criminals, apparently. This has been the last straw and I'll be selling the house soon. In the mean time, I was considering using an old computer, some webcams, and a little knowledge of Matlab programming to set up some motion-detecting cameras pointed at all entereances to my house that stream video to the web (and subsequently save the video) when motion is detected. That would be a fine way to get a good look at their faces if they did it again. Anyhow, the real answer is just to move, and I"m working on that. thanks guys, russ
  9. Hey guys, on friday afternoon my house was broken into and robbed. Among other things, 3 guitars that I built were stolen. In total the guitars represent around $7500 in materials and nearly 500 hours of labor. They were important to me because of all the guitars I've built, these three represented the first guitar I built, the first acoustic I built, and what I considered to be the best electric I've built. If you see any of these for sale online or just pictures posted anywhere, please notify me immediately. I'm located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. My phone number is 919-600-0405 and my email is rgareh1@gmail.com Ironically, although I've built around 10 guitars, I now own none of them. Below are thumbnails of each. I would really appreciate it if you would copy/paste this to any other guitar forums you visit so that more people can see this. It would mean a lot to me.
  10. Jehle, check out mfgquote.com. You can post up some dimensioned drawings of the parts you need, list the specs, etc, and manufacturers will bid on it. I use it regularly to find new suppliers for the company I design car parts for. I've gotten many good deals through that site, and I've also built up quite a catalogue of preferred suppliers using them. . If it really is simply laser cutting that you need done, it should not be very expensive at all. $500 worth of laser cut parts would comprise either very expensive materials, very elaborate cuts, or a really high quantity. peace, russ
  11. Been a while since I've looked on this forum, much less posted, but let me say that perry's offer is an excellent one. The fact that he's offering to have it done this year is good, considering the backlog that most good builders have had recently, plus $4100US is excellent considering his background and experience. If that's too much for you, then the custom guitar you get for less than that is very likely (although not guaranteed) to be a huge disappointment. Quality custom instruments were never meant to be cheap, luthiers have to eat, just like the rest of us. [/rant], russ
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