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Rustins Plastic Coating On Top Of Auto Air Anyone?

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Have just resprayed my Les Paul using Createx Auto Air which has turned out really well. The pearl and iridescent acrylics they do are superb and blend nicely.

I was wondering if anyone has tried spraying Rustins Plastic Coating on top of Auto Air or other acrylics. For that matter Im curious to know how it goes down on top of enamels and nitrocellulose paint as well. I've only ever used it on bare wood.

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Only way to know is to test it. I know some folks havbe used it over epoxy (grainfiller) and said it works great, i tried it over epoxy and it wouldn't dry properly. So best to just do a test run, check it drys ok, and see how well it sticks. I used over super glue as a grain filler (afetr the epoxy failure) and it dried fine, just didnt stick that great.

Surely the best thing to do would be to use Createx clear coat? Use the same paint type over teh top. (assuming they do a clear coat)


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