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Gibson Neck

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Any more information, like what you need it for? A scratch build, a repair, etc? Is this for set-neck or a bolt on?

I've seen a few on eBay now and then, but in general, you'll have a hard time finding a Gibson neck. Since most of their guitars are set-neck, and set necks don't generally turn up in good condition un-attached from their bodies. I don't think anyone sells Gibson-authorized replacement necks, like how some places make Fender replacement necks. If you just want a pre-made neck with a Gibson-style headstock, I'd check Warmoth.

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[les paul

You know, if you volunteered more information on what you're trying to do, you'll likely get some help.

Right now, it looks like you're expecting us to tease all of this info out of you.

A picture or two would go a long way.

I would but I don't have a digital camera it is just a plain les paul mahogany body with a maple top the neck pocket is squre gibson uses a couple different designs theres square one with a rounded end and one with a pyrimid shape at the end.

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