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Adding A Master Volume To My Amp.


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My amp is fairly simple, one clean and one dirty channel, but the only volume controls are for each channel independantly. I want to add a master volume to cut/boost both cahnnels with a single knob, but still have the two independant knobs function. Any ideas of how to go about doing this? I dont want to put anything in the effects loop, i just need a knob on the face of my amp to make life easier.

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Do you have a schematic for the amp? On many amps the volume control would be inline before the driver stage of the power amp. This is just after the circuit that switches between the two channels.

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Its a not so popular Tube-Works amp, which i cant seem to find shemo's for. What would the channel switching circuit look like? I assume somehere after the footswitch jack, then follow that somewhere. I'll look at it to see if i cant find where the power amp and switching come together.

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I don't mean to sound bitchy, but if you try to mod that Tube Works amp, you're more likely to end up destroying it than getting the results you're looking for. Are two volume knobs really that big an inconvenience?

FWIW, Genz Benz absorbed Tube Works (and promptly stopped production on most of their [Tube Works'] best products - go figure! Anyway, they're all history now!), so they might be willing to furnish you with a schematic (most likely for a nominal fee). Try this email:

Tube Works Tech Support

Just out of curiosity, what model is it?

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